6 - Firsts

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Joshua's releasing a song off his EP on Jan 14!!! AAAAAAAAAHH


I continue to listen to Ricky's recordings over and over and over again. They help me calm down when I'm in pain, and trust me, there's been plenty of it. I copied the file and made two recordings of just the singing parts. As much as I loved hearing his extremely sweet speech, I didn't want to cry every time I hit play (which I did anyway, but that's beside the point). I listened to him singing up until it was time.

Longest fifteen hours of my life. My moms were beside me the entire time. I literally felt like I was dying. I had some tears from the pain, but that quickly changed when the doctor put the twins in my arms. I cried even more when I saw their names written out for the first time. I hadn't told anyone what I wanted their names to be, keeping it a surprise.

Lauren Malou Salazar-Roberts
Born March 20, 2026, at 9:03 pm

Jayden Richard Salazar-Roberts
Born March 20, 2026, at 9:17 pm

Welcome to the World!

*The Next Day*
"Where are they? Where are they? Where are they? Where are they?!!" I can't help but laugh. Sometimes I think Carlos is more excited about my kids than me.

"Carlos, they're sleeping," I whisper. I'm sitting and reading in the bay window next to the cribs in the nursery.

"Sorry. When do they get to the age when they don't sleep all day?" he asks, coming to the cribs.

"Carlos, they're a day old. Chill out."

"I thought I told you not to run ahead of us," Seb says, standing in the doorway.

"Oh, you were serious?"

Seb shakes his head and walks over to his boyfriend. "Sorry about him. I hope now wasn't a bad time."

I shake my head. "No, not at all. Just please be quiet." They nod, and I hear more footsteps coming upstairs.

Once everyone is here, I go over to the cribs. "Everyone, meet Lauren Malou and Jayden Richard Salazar-Roberts." The gang crowds around the cribs, and it's a beautiful sight.

"Wait, you named him after Ricky?" Kourtney asks.

"Yes, and it was a conscious decision." She nods and continues to look at them.

From the minute I knew the other baby was a boy, I wanted to name him after Ricky. I didn't tell anyone because I knew they would ask if I was ok and if I 100% wanted this. There was no doubt about it.

"I feel bad for these kids. They're gonna have to put up with us," Ashlyn says. We all quietly laugh except Carlos.

"What are you talking about? They should be thanking every god that allowed them to be blessed with us."

"They're gonna be just fine," I say.

*March 20, 2027 | Twins' First Birthday*
"Nini, I don't care what you say. We're gonna spoil your kids," Kourtney said.

"Thanks, but you know they won't remember any of this, right?"

"Your point?" Gina asks rhetorically.

I thought it was so funny how they wanted to have this big celebration. I managed to tone it down a little bit. Keyword: little.

"Nini, babies' first few birthday parties aren't for them. They're for the parents. You've raised these two amazing kids all on your own for a year. You've built your family from the ground up. So I don't give a damn what you say; we're celebrating whether you like it or not," Ashlyn tells me.

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