33 - Discussion

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If you haven't seen it yet, I posted my review of episode 6 yesterday. That episode was... a lot.

Also, learned that when Joe was singing the climb and the camera was focused on just him, it was only him and Frankie in the room.

Another thing is that the Gina confessional was actually filmed during season one, but it was cut. I am broken.

Tim Federle, there is no need to serve anxiety on a silver platter; I can get plenty on my own without your help.


Awkward would be the understatement of the year. None of them were talking. Well, Ricky was trying, but other than that, nothing. The two women were sitting across from each other while Ricky sat at the head. What do you say in this kind of situation? Nini wonders.

"So we obviously know why we're here," Ricky starts.

The black-haired woman can tell they're both nervous, so she also chimes in. "I want to say again that it really is good to finally meet you. And might I add that you're even more gorgeous than I've been told."

Nini blushes and says, "Thank you," glancing over in Ricky's direction to see him already looking at her.

"Yeah, you're all Danny ever talks about."

Nini tilts her head in confusion. "What'd you say?"

"Hmm?" she says, just as confused.

"I'm sorry; I must've misheard you. What'd you say?" Nini repeats.

"Oh, when it came to reminiscing about family or anything like that, Danny would always bring you up."

"Um, who's Danny?" Nini looks between the two of them, and Ricky looks guilty.

"You never told her!?" Veronica exclaims.

"Uh..." Ricky scratches the back of his head as he looks at the two women, "no."

"God, you're such an idiot," she murmurs.

"Would someone please tell me who this person is?" Nini interjects.

Veronica looks at Ricky, and he just nods. "You can talk about it here," he whispers.

She takes a deep, shaky breath before speaking. "First of all, my name's not Veronica; it's just a cover." Nini looks at her like she's crazy. "It's, um, it's actually..." She looks at Ricky with fear in her eyes. He nods at her and gives a small reassuring smile. "It's Nia." She looked as if she almost flinched at the mention of her own name; it was as if she was waiting for a bomb to go off somewhere.

"Remember how I told you I've been on the run for like five years?" Ricky asks Nini, taking some of the pressure of the story away from Nia.


"Well, we were on the run because the people who had initially captured us and our sub were still out there. After we escaped, we weren't allowed to come home because it'd only put our families in danger. We're back now because they're in prison."

"I've just been calling him Daniel for so long that it's like second nature now; I'm so sorry for the confusion," Nia explains. "I thought he had told you that by now, but I guess not." She directed that last part at Ricky.

"I guess that clears that up," Nini mumbles.

"This is what I was trying to tell you the other day," Ricky says.

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