The Wedding Pt. 1

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The alarm clock was beeping, Amelia opened her eyes to look at the device in front of her - it was early, very early in the morning. Amelia never woke up at this hour unless she had work but today she was becoming Mrs Lincoln and she couldn't have been more excited she smiled and turned off the clock. She rolled on her back to look at the man sleeping beside her, she lightly pressed her lips to his and whispered "happy wedding day". The man stirred and opened his eyes, smiling at the sight before him "happy wedding day" he replied wrapping an arm around his future wife's torso. The couple lay there for a few moments in complete bliss until Maggie burst open the door.

"Okay! We've got -" Maggie stopped in her tasks and gasped at the couple "You're not supposed to see each other before the big day!" she exclaimed panicking.

Amelia and Link both groaned at the woman before them and Link slightly nuzzled his head into Amelia's neck to avoid eye contact with Maggie.

"You're supposed to be at Jo's right now" Maggie said pointing at Link

"we know Maggie but we wanted to be together" Amelia sighed

"I don't care" Maggie scolded causing Amelia to frown "it's your wedding day and seeing the bride before the big day is bad luck"

"Okay, I'll go" Link yawned

"thank you" Maggie smiled "besides, we've got tonnes to do, it'll be bridesmaid central over here" she laughed "alright, I'm gonna go but I need you out in 15, I will come check!!" Maggie said looking towards Link before leaving the room.

"so, looks like you'll have fun" Link laughed teasing amelia

"Don't" she stopped him "she's always like this when there's a wedding" she groaned into the pillow

"Okay, I'm gonna go, what time am I picking up Addison and Charlotte?" Link asked


"and I'm bringimg them here?" he questioned awaiting confirmation

Amelia nodded "yeah, like Maggie said it's gonna be bridesmaid Central" Amelia mimicked putting on a fake smile

"Well, I definitely don't envy you" Link murmered pressing his lips against Amelia's forehead.

"right, I'm gonna take the little guy and we will see you at the altar" Link laughed picking up their son from inside his crib

"I'll walk you out" Amelia said following her two favourite boys

"Okay, see you later fiance" Link smirked standing at the front door, he placed their son down in his car seat and stepped closer to his beautiful fiancé closing the gap between them.

"I'll see you later, fiance" Amelia hummed wrapping her arms around Links body.

Link laughed and kissed his future wife on the lips but before he could deepen the kiss his future sister in law interrupted them

"what are you still doing here?" Maggie asked rushing down the stairs

"I'm going!" Link held his arms up defensively

"Well go!" Maggie yelled before walking into the kitchen

Once her sister was out of earshot Amelia continued the kiss that had been rudely interrupted and wrapped her arms around Links neck.

"I mean it, go!" Maggie shouted from inside the kitchen and the couple groaned

"alright, I'm going!" Link yelled so Maggie could here him, he picked up his son and left the sisters to it.

Amelia shut the door and turned to see Maggie standing in front of her holding two cups of coffee "alright, I've steamed your dress and hung it on the back of your door, all the bridesmaids dresses are ready to go and I'm doing your hair and makeup so let's get you in the shower and we can get this show on the road" Maggie grinned

"thanks Maggie" Amelia smiled following her sister up the stairs

"Okay, makeup is done!" Maggie said proudly "you look so beautiful amelia"

Amelia smiled wide and looked at herself in the mirror "wow, Maggie you've done a brilliant job"

"thanks" Maggie smiled appreciating her sisters complement

"Okay, let's get started on the hair, you want it down?" Maggie asked

Amelia nodded in response, suddenly they heard the door open and footsteps running up the stairs "sorry, I'm late!" Meredith breathed upon entering Amelias bedroom

"how was your shift?" Amelia asked her sister as she changed her clothes

"boring, just a few hernia's and lap choles" Meredith shrugged

the room fell silent as Maggie began styling Amelias hair but all of sudden the ladies pagers starting beeping erratically

"oh no" Meredith said looking at the pager

"multiple traumas" Maggie groaned reading the words on the pager

"Okay, let's go" Amelia nodded rising from her chair

"whoah" Maggie looked at her sister, "it's your wedding!" she emphasised

"Maggie, there are multiple traumas, people's lives need saving we need to go I can get married another day" Amelia protested

Maggie tried to object but Meredith stopped her and instead the sisters changed back into their scrubs and headed to Grey Sloan.

The hospital was like a warzone, there were hundreds of patients flooding the ER it was horrific. Apparently a helicopter crashed into an apartment block and thousands were injured. As Amelia entered the ER she noticed Link taking care of patients

"Link!" she shouted across the ER trying to grab her fiancé's attention, it worked cause he looked up and smiled

"happy wedding day" he threw his arms in the air

"did you pick up Addison and charlotte?" Amelia asked whilst putting on a trauma gown

"yeah, I just dropped them off at the hotel with my parents" Link sighed

Amelia nodded lightly and laughed "happy wedding day" before rushing off to tend to patients.

It had been hours and in approximately 30 minutes time Amelia and Link were supposed to be saying "I do" but instead they were stuck at the hospital. All the attendings had been called to Chief Baileys office

"Okay, so where are we at?" Bailey asked her attendings

"ER is clearing" Owen responsed

"I've got 2 more surgeries scheduled - Jo's doing one now" Meredith replied crossing her arms

"Maggie and I are okay for now, just waiting for any more traumas" Teddy said

"Shepherd, Lincoln" Bailey said looking at the couple "You still getting married?"

Amelia took a deep breath and sighed "No, not today we called the venue and cancelled"

"looks like we'll be getting married another day" Link sighed wrapping his arm around Amelias torso

Maggie sighed and looked at the couple "it's so unfair!"

"It's okay, Maggie" Amelia smiled

"Okay well if you aren't getting married then I'm gonna need you both to cover the pit"

Amelia and link both nodded and left the chiefs office alongside the other attendings.

This is gonna be a long night they both thought.

(I'm so sorry if this is terrible! Truth be told I've been struggling to write recently so any suggestions to what you want to see will be greatly appreciated! Hopefully, I can get my writing back on track but in the meantime I hope you enjoyed this story and thank you so much for voting and commenting 🥰)

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