Where Were You Last Night?

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"Where were you last night?"

That was first thing she asked when I walked through the door into Meredith's house.

"What?" I asked confused whilst taking off my coat, from the corner of my eye I could see Amelia growing restless.

"Where were you last night?" She asked again, I could tell she was annoyed.

"I was in surgery." I replied whilst kissing my girlfriend on the forehead and heading towards the kitchen to grab some food.

Amelia followed "why are you lying?"

Her question shocked me and I looked her in the eye "I'm not lying" I told her nonchalant

"You just lied again" she said, her voice getting her louder

"Amelia, I was in surgery" I told her hoping my answer would be enough this time, I was starting to get tired of the accusations.

"Really? Because Maggie was in surgery last night and she said your name wasn't on the board" she crossed her arms and rested them on her growing baby bump.

Shit. I thought, she'd caught my bluff.

"Amelia" I sighed

"Where were you last night, Link?" she asked me again, her voice broke when she mentioned my name and I could see tears forming in her eyes.

"Listen I -" I was cut off by my girlfriends sobs

I looked up confused "Amelia?" I whispered

"It's cause I'm fat isn't!" she exclaimed through sobs, whilst storming off to the living room.

I walked over to my crying girlfriend and rested my hands on her shoulders to try and ground her "you aren't fat" I reassured her "You're growing a human being inside of you, it's pretty remarkable if you ask me." she looked up at me and smiled but after a moment her smile faded and I knew it was because she had rembered the reason why she was mad at me "Listen, I was at Jo's last night" I told her truthfully whilst sitting on the couch.

"What?" she breathed whilst wiping away her tears

"I was with Jo and if you don't believe me, you can call her" I laugh

"Oh, I didn't know" she sighed taking a seat next to me, she looked really embarrassed

"It's okay" I tell her

"I don't understand, why did you lie? I love Jo, I don't have a problem with the two of you hanging out" she told me

"I lied because I didn't want you to know the reason why I was there" I said

She looked at me and leaned back, her brows furrowed and her eyes widened "Oh no, I can't be dealing with another person falling in love with their best friend" she said her voice shaking

"What?! No!" I exclaimed, I was slightly disgusted by the accusation "Jo's my best friend I do not love her, well I do but not in THAT way" I shuddered at the thought, I mean she was like my sister. Gross.

"then why were you there?" she asked confused

"Okay, you can't tell anyone especially Meredith" I make sure I put emphasis on her sisters name

Amelia looks up at me with her brows furrowed

"Meredith what's she -"

I cut her off. "Alex has left Jo"

Her face changed in an instant. One second she was looking confused and the next completely shocked.

"What?" was all she asked

I nodded and sighed "He's left her. He told her he was with his mom but he's not. She doesn't know where he is and neither does his mom. He's gone."

It took a few moments for it to sink in "that doesn't sound like Alex" she told me

I shrugged "I know, I thought he was a good guy"

She looked at me and smiled weakly "he is a good guy, Link. I don't know what's happened but I'm sure he has an explanation"

"Amelia, I had to carry Jo to the sofa cause she couldn't walk, no she couldn't breathe. I had to give her a paper bag and then I sat with her whilst she cried through the night so-"

"I know you're upset, I get it, I get upset and angry if anyone hurts Maggie or Meredith so I understand that you're annoyed and that you're trying to protect her." she stroked my arm and looked at me dumbfounded "I just - he loves Jo"

"That's what I thought" I replied coldy

I looked Amelia, and was overwhelmed with love. I smiled "You know, no matter what happens I'm not going anywhere, I'd never leave you, you know that right? "

She grinned wide and looked at me "I do, but thanks for telling me cause I'll definitely use it in the future if we have a row" she laughed

I laughed too, she leaned forward and looked at me, resting her hand on my cheek, stroking it gently "I'm not going anywhere either, I'm all in"

"All in" I sighed whilst pressing my lips against hers. I rested my arm around her shoulder and pulled her close knowing that I was never letting her go.

(Sorry if this is bad! I've had some writers block hence the delay but I've been rewatching Grey's and I thought it'd be interesting if Amelia and Link were still together when Alex left and decided to write something based of that, so I know its not great but thank you to everyone who is reading my stories, liking them and commenting it really means a lot so thank you so much :))

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