Marry Me Pt 2

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It was 9 o clock in the morning and I had woken up next to the man of my dreams. I looked at him and smiled. I was watching him breathe "in out, in out" After ten minutes Link's eyes opened. He turned and smiled at me.


"Morning" I smiled.

I lent over to him and pressed my lips on his gently but after a while things began to heat up so I climbed on top of him and he held my hips tight. After a while, I had a realisation.

"Wait" I said as a pulled away and stared at Link.

"What's wrong?" he asked with worry written all over his face.

"Nothing, it's just do you want to get married?"

He laughed "you realise that you asked me to marry you about 3 weeks ago right?"

I nodded. "Yes! I was being batman, I remember but that's not what I meant" I declared

"Well, what did you mean?" he asked whilst smiling.

"Why don't we get married today?" I asked.

He leaned back and just stared at me.

"What?" he asked, with confusion written all over his face.

"I love you and you love me too. We're going to get married anyway so why don't we do it today?"

His facial expression hadn't changed, he still looked really confused.

"You want to get married today?" he asked

"Yeah, unless I mean unless you don't want to and you'd rather wait" I stuttered.

He smiled

"No, I'd love to marry you today I'm just I mean I thought you'd want people there"

I hesitated for a moment.

"My family didn't come to my wedding to Owen, they didn't want to be there and you've met my family would you want them to be there, cause I don't. The only people who I care about being there other than you and peanut is Maggie and Meredith they are my sisters. Do you want people there? " I asked

He paused for a moment

" it'd be nice for my parents to be there but you've seen what they're like and they'd probably ruin things. Plus, doing it this way means that we don't have to plan or organise anything. "

" Exactly! " I yelled "Lets face it, we're lazy we don't need to plan this big thing when we only care about a few people being there, so what'd you reckon? "

He smiled. "Lets get married today! "

I kissed him and we returned to what we were doing before I asked him to marry me today.

We were now at the court house with our little peanut, Meredith and Maggie. They'd been hesitant at first but they'd seen how happy both me and Link were and they got on board the "let's get married today train" .

We were sitting there waited to be called in, I was wearing a white dress I'd found hidden at the back of my wardrobe and Link was in a suit and tie. He looked very handsome.

"Atticus Lincoln and Amelia Shepherd" someone yelled.

"That's us" Link said whilst taking my hand in his

"Lets get married!" I smiled and he smiled back.

"Do you Amelia Shepherd take Atticus Lincoln to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do"

"Do you Atticus Lincoln take Amelia Shepherd to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do"

We smiled at one another.

"With the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife"

Meredith and Maggie were clapping but I couldn't see them cause I was too busy kissing my husband.

After a minute we pulled away and I suddenly felt Maggies body weight on me telling me congratulations. I could see Meredith passing peanut to Link and laughing with him.

Seeing my real sisters happy for me was one of the best feelings.

Meredith then came over to me and gave me a huge hug and Maggie did the same to Link I even heard her call him brother something I knew Link would hate but he seemed to roll with it. I laughed and walked towards Link and wrapped my arms around him. I smiled and began talking to our little peanut.

"Mummy and Daddy are married now, yes we are, yes we are!"

I heard Link laughing beside me and turned to look at him this was my family and I loved them with all my heart.

(This is an idea I really liked. I feel if Amelink were to get married they should do it this way like Meredith and Derek did just because I don't feel like they would suit having a big white wedding. Hope you liked reading!)

Amelia and Link one shots Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя