I Chose Link

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It had been two weeks since Owen found out that Teddy had been cheating on him with Tom. During that time Leo had been staying with Link and I because Owen didn't want him to be around a negative environment, although I don't think it would have mattered considering Leo hadn't had any sleep since living with us due to his baby cousin crying all night.

I walked to the front of Owens door with Leo in my arms and I gave it a knock. Within seconds, Owen was standing right in front of me. He looked a mess, his eyes were tired, his clothes were dirty he clearly wasn't coping.

"Hey!" I said when he opened the door

"Hi, I thought you were dropping him off after lunch?" he asked whilst taking Leo from under my arm

I gave him a look "it is after lunch"

He frowned and turned to look at the clock behind him "oh yeah, I guess I lost track of time."

He gestured for me to come in so I made my way over to the couch.

As is sat to face him I asked him the  dreaded question "So, how are you holding up?"

"I just can't get my head around it. I.. I mean I gave everything up for her, I sold my house for her and she repays me by sleeping with that jerk?!"

I remembered how it had felt when he'd left for Germany to be with Teddy. I remembered what it felt like standing in that elevator being told that Teddy was pregnant with Owens child I remembered it all. I remembered how much it hurt but then I remembered how I managed and how I made it to the otherside.

"I know it hurts, but after while it stops hurting and you lift yourself up from the hole you're in" I gave him a small smile.

He looked at me with sadness in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Amelia. Truly, I'm sorry for the pain I caused you."

"Owen I wasn't saying that to get back at you in any way or to make you feel bad. What happened between us is ancient history. I mean, I'm happy now everything's okay." I placed my hand on top of his just to reassure him

He looked down, then he looked at me

" Do you ever wonder what would have happened if Teddy and I didn't get back together, if we decided to raise Alison together but apart? Do you reckon we'd still be together?"

I took a deep breath "Owen, I loved you, I still love you but just not in the same way. Let's be honest you and I were horrible together!"

He laughed when I said that

"You know to begin with this thing with Link was just alternative pain management"

I laughed when I said that, it brought back the memories of us at the conference in San Diego.

"but instead he ended up being the love of my life and now we have a son that's part him part me and I'm happy." I paused for a second "I know it might hurt Owen but I chose Link and I still choose Link. You and I loved one another Owen, we did, but I don't think we were ever in love. This feeling I have with Link I've never experienced it before not with anyone. He makes me smile almost constantly, he makes me laugh, he takes care of me and everytime he speaks I get this sudden rush of excitement. I never had that before."

I looked down at my hands, embarrassed almost, I just admitted to my ex that I never truly loved him but that instead I was in love with another man who I hadn't known that long.

I waited nervously to see how Owen would react. I expected anger but he just looked at me and smiled.

"I'm glad you're happy, Amelia"

I smiled back at him "Me too"

I stood up from the sofa and I followed Owen to the door, before he opened it he stopped and turned to look at me.

"You should probably thank me, you know"

"For what?" I asked confused.

"Well, if I had never gotten with Teddy then maybe you Link would never had happened so I think you owe me some thanks" he laughed.

I laughed too, for a moment, but then my  thoughts stopped me  "I don't think so, I mean Link and I would of ended up together one way or another. We were made for one another, he gave up his dream job for me and the little peanut! We were meant to be" I say smiling

Owen paused for second

"I would've given -" I cut him off before he could continue

"Don't say that you would have given up your dream job for me cause you and I both know you wouldn't have. Derek didn't even do that for Mer and he actually told her he would!"

We both laughed and he sighed

"Maybe you're right"

"I am right" I snarked back.

"Meant to be huh?" he asked before opening the door

"Meant to be" I tried to hide the smile on my face but I couldn't. I was finally happy and I wasn't afraid to show it.

"Anyway I really should get going cause I've left my husband with our newborn for far too long"

We both laughed.

I hugged Leo goodbye and I walked out the door. It really felt like I was walking away from my past and heading towards my future.

I got into the car and sighed before turning the ignition on

"Did I just say husband?"

(This isn't very good, I know, but it was just a little idea I had. A way, I hope you enjoyed!)

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