How To Save A Life Pt 2

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*In the OR* Owen POV

"We've definitely got some new bleeding." I say whislt trying to remove the packs from link's stomach as I'm doing so Richard begins to speak "Remove the abdominal packs carefully they may be stuck." he says.

I nod whislt removing them ensuring that I'm careful "irrigation" I ask the scrub nurse.

After a few minutes Maggie walks in "flip on the echo. I'm gonna go up through the groin. Parker I need you to assist. She says looking at the intern she then looks down at Link and then to a scrub nurse beside her. "Catheter." she states whilst prepping the area, she reaches for the catheter and begins the procedure. "It's going in easy so get the T. E. E ready." She says to Parker.

He hands her the T. E. E "I've got access. Balloon is advanced. Extra stiff guidewure, please." She reaches her hand out and Parker hands her the wire, she inserts it whislt staring at the echo machine "Okay, the occluded in turn on the doppler."

"Minimal VSD flow." Parker adds

Maggie sighs "Good. Then we're done here, pulling out."

"I've still got active bleeding coming from somewhere" I say frustrated

"Okay, let's recheck the retro peritoneum" Meredith says

"Clamp and give me a tie, please" I say holding my hand out

"No hang on" Webber says "I got a lumbar vein avulsed in the vena cava. Two allis clamps."

The monitors suddenly start beeping "Idioventricular rhythm." Parker shouts

"What?!" I yell

Bailey looks up at the monitors "Pressures down. 55 systolic. Push one of atropine" She states

"CVP and pulmonary artery pressures just went up." Meredith informs us

"It might be an air embolus" Maggie says staring at the monitors

"alright" replies Richard "pull back on the PA catheter"

"Yeah, and hang more FFP and factor VII" I say sternly

"but we've already replaced his entire blood volume" the nurse informs me

The monitors then start beeping eratically "Were losing him" states Meredith

Maggie walks closer to Link "starting cardiac massage, push one of epi!"

She's massaging the heart when she yells "Find whatever is bleeding and shut it down"

"How about an amp of bicarb?" Bailey asks

"No" replies Maggie "Push 3 of epi and another atropine"

I'm trying to find where this bleed is coming from when I hear Maggie talking to Link "come on, fight! You can't leave her Link. Fight come on!" she's beginning to say it louder now "FIGHT!" she sounds defeated but after a moment the monitors rstart to beep steadily

"There it is. He's coming back." says Webber reassuringly

"Systolic 70 and rising" Meredith adds

I take a deep breath "I've got it. the bleeding is controlled"

"ICPs stable for now" Bailey says

"Let's get him up to the ICU and monitor him closely"

Amelia POV

I'm in the ICU staring at Link "We've done everything we can we just need to wait for him to wake up." Maggie says whsilt hugging me "Koracick is going to come up shortly to do a neuro check" I dont reply instead I just nod "are you okay?" she asks. I can feel the water forming in my eyes and I shake my head, a tear falls and I let out a sob Maggie just holds me, I can see Jo and Meredith talking about something further down the corridor I would normally ask what it is their talking about but on this occasion I already know.

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