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She had been tossing and turning all night, she only had one thought on her mind. She turned to see the sleeping man beside her and chose to wake him from his slumber. Amelia pressed her hand gently and Links chest and gave him a slight shake.

"Link" she whispered

He didn't stir once.

"Link" she repeated.

He remained still.

She looked up to the ceiling "uggghh" she groaned

She looked at her boyfriend once more and decided to use a different approach in waking him.

"Link!" she said whilst shaking his shoulders

"ahhh" he shot up "is the baby coming?" he asked frantically

"No" Amelia smiled "it's just is there any chance you could get me some pepperoni? I'm too tired to move and the baby really wants some"

Link groaned and sat up looking at the clock beside him "Amelia it's 3 in the morning"

"I know, but he really wants some and he is your son" she said trying to make him feel guilty

He leaned back against his pillow and sighed "ahhh okay" he begrudgingly climbed out of bed and managed to walk down the stairs without falling into anything. Once he reached the kitchen, he discovered that all the pepperoni had gone. He sighed loudly and walked back up the stairs knowing that he was about to go on a wild goose chase.

She smiled widely at him as he approached the door to their bedroom, she frowned once she realised he had no pepperoni.

"We're out" he told her whilst putting on a shirt and some jeans

"what are you doing?" Amelia asked him, watching his every move

"I'm gonna go get you some" he smiled at his girlfriend

She took a sharp intake of breathe and could feel tears welling up in her eyes "I love you" she managed to whisper

Link smiled and walked over to his beautiful girlfriend "I love you too, ill be back soon okay?"

Amelia just nodded and watched her boyfriend walk out the door. It was weird for her to have someone do these things for her when she was pregnant with Christopher she had to handle everything alone. I mean yeah she had Addison and her family back in LA but she didn't have Ryan, she didn't have the father of her child with her to help her when times got tough or when she desperately craved something. Link, however, was there throughout it all. No matter what she needed he was there day or night at her beck and call. The more he was there for her the more she found herself falling deeper and deeper in love with him.

He'd been to every store in the neighbourhood but none of them were open, eventually he drove 30 minutes out of the way to try a 24 hour service station but even they didn't have the item of food he was desperately looking for. Link walked back to his car and rested his head on the stirring wheel feeling defeated, he didn't want to have to go back empty handed. He was on a mission and he was determined to finish it for her and for his growing baby.

He sat with his head on the wheel for a few minutes before it dawned on him - he knew exactly how he could make his girlfriends wishes come true.

When he returned back home Amelia was standing in the kitchen ransacking the kitchen cupboards, as soon as she heard the door she rushed over to her boyfriend

"Did you get some?" she asked hopeful, her hope faded once she saw that he was carrying pizza boxes, she didn't want pizza she just wanted pepperoni.

He noticed her smile disappear once she saw the pizza boxes "Don't worry, I got you some, look" he passed her a small pizza box and inside was a ton of pepperoni.

She squealed in excitement at the sight "ahh" she sighed in delight after tasting the food she craved so much. Link chuckled to himself lightly, he was happy she was happy.

"Thank you so much" she told him whilst walking over to Link so she could press her lips against his. He sighed contently into the kiss and once they pulled away he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and simply told her "I'd do anything for, you know that"

She smiled at his response and rested her head on his shoulder "besides, I got myself a pizza so we all win here" he continued, raising an eyebrow and picking up a slice of pizza from the tray and taking a bite.

Amelia watched him and laughed, nodding her head "yeah, I guess we did all win."

(This is a little different to the stories I usually write but I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it! From now on, I aim to upload every Monday, I've been struggling with some writers block recently so if you have any ideas for things you'd like to see in this one shot series that please let me know in the comments so I can try my best to include them! Thank you so much 😊)

Amelia and Link one shots Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang