Have You Told Your Sisters Yet?

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Hey so I was wondering have you told your mum and sisters about having a baby yet? "

I grimaced at the thought "no, I haven't"

Link nodded and simply replied with "Okay"

"Okay? That's your answer." I say confused

"Yeah, I mean I think they should know about this milestone in your life but I understand why you wouldn't want them to know" he replies smiling

"I mean, it would be nice to tell them and them actually be happy for me but that won't happen" I sigh

"Maybe they will. You don't know, they may see what I see, you being an incredible mother and then they might be happy and their whole opinion will change" he says whilst walking over to me.

"I highly doubt that" I laugh "once you're a drug addict you're always seen as drug addict sober or not"

He perches himself on the side of the bed "If you don't want to tell them you don't have to I just think they should know"

"If I do decide to tell them I might have to bring in reinforcements" I say seriously

"Reinforcements?" he questions before lightly pressing his lips against my forehead

"Yeah" I reply simply

"Like Meredith and Maggie?" he asks

"Not exactly" I state

He laughs and walks over to the bedroom door "Okay, I love you but I've gotta go"

"I love you too" I replied smiling.

Then he was gone and I was left lying in our bed alone taking care of our little peanut. I still had a couple weeks of maternity leave left and I was going insane. After hours of complentating my decision I decided to call my sisters and mum to see if they'd be willing to come to seattle as I had big news to share, surprisingly everyone agreed and they were coming in two days time.

I decided to visit Link at the hospital. Part of me was here for him and the other 50% was here to see some brains. I walk into the lobby and see him standing with Jo at the nurses station.

"There's daddy!" I exclaim to our baby boy whilst walking over to Link and Jo.

Link turns around in suprise and reaches his arms out so he can take our son "Hey Little buddy!" he says smiling

"What are you doing here?" he asks

"We missed you" I replied

He gave me a look "you wanted to see some brains didn't you?"

"Only partly" I state

We both laugh.

"You guys are so adorable anyway I've got to go I've got a surgery I need to prepare for" Jo says before walking off.

Link was staring down at our son and pulling funny faces I looked at them both smiling.

"I just thought you should now that I rang my sisters and they are coming over in two days"

He immediately turns to me and his face drops "Whoa"

"What?" I ask confused

"Nothing. I just didn't think you'd invite them over here"

"Well I did. This way I can see their judgement face to face" I say smirking

He shoots me a smile "So are your reinforcements coming too?" he asks

"Yeah, she said she'd be here" I reply

"Oh it's a she. Is it another sister, a nicer one?" he questions whilst grinning

Amelia and Link one shots Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt