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"Okay, what about Derek after your brother?"

"I love that but I don't want to cry everytime I look at my baby" I laugh

"Maybe for a middle name though?" I tell him reassuringly, I don't want him thinking his suggestion was insensitive or that I didn't appreciate the effort.

He nods his head slighty and gently rocks our son who is lying in his arms.

"Is there a name you like?" I ask him hopeful

Link walks towards me and gently sits beside me in the hospital bed, I place my arm around his torso and stroke my hand across my baby boys soft head - taking in his beauty.

"I mean the only name I liked was Scout" he replies

I take a sharp gasp "what?" he asks confused whilst leaning back to watch me

I can feel my eyes filling up with tears "Are you okay?" his brows furrow

I nod lightly "yeah, it's just that's such a beautiful name, why have you never said that before?"

"I did." he deadpans

Now my brows furrow, I pull back from Links embrace "when?" I ask confused

"when you told me we were having a boy" he sniggers whilst moving his focus back to our son.

I just sit there and stare at Link and our baby boy for a moment asking myself why I couldn't remember the name suggestion, after a few minutes it came to me "oh" I whispered.

"What?" Link asked still staring at our little boy, he was in awe of him.

"nothing" I say resting my head on Links shoulder trying to surpass the memory of me realising that our son might not have been Links.

"I really love the name Scout" I whisper

"You do?" he asked moving his eyes to look at me

"Yeah" I sigh pressing my lips against Links cheek, he smiles at the touch.

"I think we've found the name for our son" I say smiling wide

"Hi, Scout Derek Shepherd-Lincoln" Link says holding his finger infront of our little boy. I smile at the sight especially when our son grabs hold of his fathers finger.

Link let's out a small gasp "that's right bud, that's your name, you like it?" Link laughs with tears forming in his eyes

"I think he'd like his name better if it was Scout Derek Lincoln" I say pressing my face against links chest

"What?" Link breathes looking down at me

Our eyes meet "you're his dad, I'm proud of that and he is too, no matter what happens we made this little bean and he's yours so he deserves your name" I smile

Link instantly presses his lips against mine and I feel his salty tears fall onto my lips, I pull away giggling and Link kisses my temple.

"I love you so much" he tells me.

I nod gently and just smile "I love you so much too" Link slides our son into my arms and rests his shoulder around my body whilst stroking my arm. All I feel is love and happiness.

"hi, Scout" I whisper looking at our son.

(Sorry for taking so long to update but college has been hectic recently but hopefully things will be back to normal and I'll be updating regularly anywasy I hope you enjoyed this! Thank you to very one who is liking/commenting it really means alot)

Amelia and Link one shots Where stories live. Discover now