Breakfast For Dinner

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"Hey, so what are we having for dinner tonight? Do you want me to order a pizza? Chinese?" I ask my girlfriend whilst entering the elevator

"I thought you had a late surgery?" She asks me whilst leaning forward pressing the button that will take us down to the hospital lobby.

"I do, but I still want eat" I say laughing

She gently pushes her body against me and grins "I know"

We walk out of the elevator hand in hand, Jo suddenly appears beside us holding her tablet.

"Hey, lovebirds" she says smiling

"hey" I chuckle

Suddenly, I hear a beep, it's Amelia's pager.

"Ahh crap, I gotta go" she sighs

She turns to look at me and presses her lips against mine, she pulls away, smiles and starts to walk off, before she opens the doors that will lead her to the ER she looks back at me and Jo "Hey! I'll cook dinner tonight" she says with a grin

"Okay!" I reply trying to hide my dissapointment.

Luckily Amelia doesn't notice, she grins and leaves the hospital lobby.

"I didn't know Amelia could cook?" Jo asks

"she can't" I reply casually

"Oooo, you hate her cooking? I sense a lovers tiff coming on" she teases

"No!" I say "I don't hate her cooking, it's just I don't agree with her food choices." I say

"Why, what are her food choices? " Jo says with a chuckle

"breakfast foods" I reply simply

"What?" Jo laughs

"She makes breakfast for dinner" I grimace

Jo starts laughing uncontrollably

"It's not funny!" I say sternly

"it kinda is" she says still laughing

"Look, I don't know what to do. I love her and I don't want to hurt her feelings" I say

Jo straightens up once she sees the concern on my face

"Listen, it's not a bad thing okay. You're not telling her you hate her or don't love her anymore you're just saying that you think she needs to learn how to cook" she tells me

"I know but I don't want to hurt her feelings"

"It probably will hurt her feelings but it's not going to change how you both feel about each other. Just tell her that you hate her cooking" she laughs

I lightly shove her and begin to walk away "you're no help Jo" I yell whislt opening the door

"You love me really" she calls back

"Hey, you're back!" Amelia says looking up at me from the couch

I smile and walk over to her "Hey" I say softly

"So, what do you fancy? We've got cap'n crunch, lucky charms, there's oatmeal"

I chuckle to myself

Amelia frowns "awww, I knew you didn't really like breakfast for dinner"

My face changes and my brows furrow "What?! No, I love your cooking" I reassure her

"Define cooking" she says

"So you make breakfast for dinner, who cares?"

"You do" she says pointedly

"That's not true, I just don't like it all the time" I smile softly

She smiles too "I just feel bad cause you always cook or order food and I don't know what to do, breakfast for dinner is my thing" she sighs

"It's a great thing" I pause "but what if I taught you how to cook or we go to a class?" I ask

"I'd like that" she smiles

"Okay, but to answer your question I'll have some lucky charms" I say laughing

Amelia laughs too "Okay" she says standing up

Before she reaches the kitchen, she presses her lips against mine and tells me she loves me

"I love you" I reply

I sit on the sofa and watch her pour a good sized portion of lucky charms into a bowl and I watch her get some milk and splash it over the top of the cereal. She lifts the bowl up from the side grabs a spoon and walks over to me. She holds her hands out to pass me the bowl.

"Tada!" she says laughing "breakfast for dinner" she smiles

(I'm sorry that this is so short, I had an idea and just rolled with it but apologies if it's terrible! Thank you to those of you who are continuing to read my stories, like them and comment it really means alot to me.)

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