I'm Not Ready

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It had been 3 months since I had given birth to our little peanut which meant that my maternity leave was over and that meant that tomorrow I'd be back as head of neuro at Grey Sloan. For weeks people had been asking me if I was ready, I told them I was but I knew deep down that I wasn't. I wasn't ready at all.

"Hey! You all ready for work?" Link stood at the door of our bedroom, his eyebrows furrowed when he saw me still laying in bed.

I gave him a weak smile "I thought I was but I must've caught something off the little peanut cause I'm not feeling too good" I lied.

Link rushed over to me and placed his hand on my forehead "You don't feel like you have a fever"

"I just feel quezzy" I replied weakly.

His face softened. I had blown my cover I knew it and I was right. I'd never been a good liar.

"You're not really sick, are you? He asked whilst rubbing his thumb along my cheek.

I sighed." No, I just.. I just.. I can't leave him. He's never gone this long without me and I just have to be with him"

Link nodded "I know this is difficult for you but we've done test trials where you've gone out for a few hours and I've stayed with him or Mer and Maggie have and he's been fine and so have you"

"That's cause I trust you! I trust Meredith, I trust Maggie and I know that if anything happened to him you'd call but what if he's in daycare and something happens and we are both in surgery so they choose not tell us that something is wrong and before we know it he's gone" my voice was breaking.

Link climbed over my body so he could sit beside me and he pulled me into his chest "Hey, listen. I know this is hard on you especially because of what happened with Christopher but if anything happened in daycare they would tell us whether we were in surgery or not. It's their job, Amelia. Also, we can go to daycare anytime we want to see him and make sure he's okay. Nothing bad is going to happen to him. I promise"

He stroked my hair and gently kissed my forehead. I pulled away so I could look at him.

"Thank you, but I still don't feel ready yet. You know I love opening up people's brains" he laughed when I said that "but I love our son more and I'm just not ready"

"Okay." he replied.

I looked up at him quizzingly "it's that simple? You're not going to persuade me to go back to work?"

He leaned forward and looked me right in the eye "Amelia, if you're not ready to get back to work yet then I'm not going to force you"

He took a breathe

"when you are ready though maybe we could discuss me taking a few days off so I can stay with the baby whilst you open up some brains."

He chuckled to himself and I smiled.

"That way I'd be with him and you'd be saving people's lives. We could see how you get on and then maybe we could discuss the idea of us both going back to work full time and putting the baby in daycare but we can cross that bridge when we come to it and make a plan, okay?"

I cupped my hands on his face and pulled him in for a kiss.

" I love you" I said when I pulled away

He rested his head on top of mine and whispered "I love you too."

Amelia and Link one shots Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon