you have a panic attack (requested)

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The laughter you once shared with Billie was long gone now. Your smile had faded away, your hand was slipping out of hers as a large crowd of overexcited fans surrounded you. The loud screams were all you could hear, other than the loud hammering of your heart in your ears.

You never mind when people approach Billie. She's so adored and that always makes you oh so happy to know. But it's when people crowd around you that you begin to panic. The loud chatter and screams, the sweatiness of your hand as it slid out of Billie's, and the feeling of not being able to breathe was all too overwhelming.

You looked over to see a clear part of the sidewalk. You went as fast as your feet would carry you and nearly fell onto your knees as they gave out underneath you. You squeezed your eyes shut as you tried to catch your breath but it was almost as though there was no air to breathe. Your chest felt tight, your heart was racing, you felt sick. You knew this feeling all too well.

You felt a hand land on your shoulder. Your eyes shot open and the fear you felt from the unexpected touch started to dwindle when you saw your girlfriend's face.

"Billie?" You whimpered and she took your hand to hold it in her own.

"It's alright, Y/N. I'm here. Just breathe."

You shook your head frantically. You were trying to breathe but you couldn't. "I can't! I can't b-breathe." The words fell from your lips in a panicked rush.

Her thumb brushed across your knuckles. Your hand was shaking in her loose grip. She gave it a reassuring squeeze. "You can. I know it's awful. But I'm here. I'm right here. Focus on me, focus on my voice, and breathe."

You focused on the comforting and encouraging words falling from her lips. Instead of the worried thoughts rushing through your brain and the fast pounding of your heart, you listened to her. You listened to her breathe with you as she encouraged you and reminded you that you weren't alone.

"That's it. It's alright, everything's alright." Billie comforted, thumb still brushing over your knuckles as she watched your tense shoulders slowly drop as you began to relax, even if only a little.

You let a long, deep breath rush from your lips before you opened your eyes. Billie sent you a small smile and used her other hand to rub your shoulder.

"I'm sorry. I just got scared. There were so many people crowding around us and I couldn't breathe! Everything was so loud and,"

"Shh." Billie shushed you comfortingly. She didn't want you to work yourself up again. "It's okay. Don't be sorry. I know it can be scary, but always remember that I'm with you and no matter what happens I won't ever let anything or anyone hurt you."

She kissed your cheek then gave your hand another squeeze. "Do you wanna go home, baby?"

You nodded slowly and she helped you to your feet. She wrapped her arm around you and let you hold onto her as you started to walk home. "I've got you, y/n; I've always got you."

Billie Eilish Imagines (gxg) Where stories live. Discover now