you have emetophobia (requested)

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You tried to bask in the comfort of Billie's hand brushing across your back in circles as you squeezed your eyes shut and swallowed thickly.

You can't seem to remember the last time you felt so miserable.

Before you and Billie laid down in bed about an hour ago, you began to feel a little sick.

But you brushed it off and thought that you'd feel better in the morning.

You haven't been sleeping that well and you had a long day, so you just thought your lack of sleep was catching up to you and you'd be better when the sun comes up.

But you were wrong about that.

You couldn't fall asleep and neither could Billie, as your stomach began to ache terribly.

It didn't take long for that dreadful nauseous feeling to hit you and you tried to keep from letting Billie know, but it was easy to see that you felt sick to your stomach judging by the sweat on your skin and the way you held your stomach while swallowing thickly again and again.

She had you come into the bathroom. You're sitting on the floor on your knees as Billie holds back your hair and rubs your back in comfort.

You haven't been sick around her like this before. You stay pretty healthy and in the eleven months you've been together, you've only had a cold here and there.

Never anything this bad.

And she was so scared, because her heart was aching from seeing you feeling so sick and she didn't know how to make you feel better.

She knows that you're fighting back the sickness that just continues to get worse. She can hear the whines falling from your lips and your skin felt hot against her fingertips as she gently placed them onto your back.

You haven't told her about your fear of vomit but she was catching on and there'd be no way for her to not find out after this.

"Y/N, if you feel sick, then get sick so we can get you back into bed and you can get some rest." She pleaded as she continued to rub your back.

But you just weakly shook your head, making her frown.

"I can't."

"Why?" She wondered.

And with a shaky breath, you confessed it to her.

"I'm scared. I have a huge fear of vomit. I don't like seeing others vomit or hearing people vomit and the thought of vomiting myself makes me feel so afraid."

She closed her eyes with a sigh before she kissed the back of your neck softly.

"You shouldn't be afraid. I'm not judging you for that, please don't think that I am or that I ever would, because you know that's not me. But I'm here with you. I promise that I'm going to be right here when you get sick. I'll hold your hair back and continue to promise you that everything's going to be okay. I'll keep you safe, even when you feel like you aren't."

It was getting almost impossible to keep fighting the sick feeling.

Your mouth was watering and your stomach hurt more than it has in the longest time.

You knew you were going to be sick, whether you liked it or not.

"I'm here with you. I love you and I'll be taking care of you. I want you to let it out so you'll feel better because seeing you like this breaks my heart. Please, my love. Let it go. I'm going to be here by your side every second."

You inhaled shakily, exhaling the same a few seconds after.

And as the feeling overwhelmed you, your stomach flipped, and this time you didn't fight it.

You started to get sick just a couple of seconds later and although Billie hates seeing you this way, she also felt a little relief, because she knew that you'd finally feel a little better after you finish.

"That's my girl. I'm here for you. Just let it all go. You'll be okay." She comforted you as she continued to rub your back with one hand, the other holding your hair out of your face.

It was horrible; every second.

The only good thing was that Billie was right there with you, helping to bring you some much-needed comfort as you continued to puke uncontrollably.

You felt relief after a couple of minutes, thinking that you were done.

You pulled away and took a deep breath, only for the disgusting taste to linger on your tongue and make your stomach flip again.

"Oh, my poor girl." She mumbled sadly. "It's okay, you're okay, baby."

You wondered if you'd ever stop, if you'd ever feel better.

It was agonizing.

But, at last, your stomach settled just a few minutes later.

You hesitated to pull away, wondering if your mouth would water again.

It frightened you.

But it didn't happen.

You were done.

You flushed the toilet before closing the lid and leaning against Billie.

"Oh," She sighed sadly before kissing your head. "It's alright. I've got you."

"Thank you for being here with me. I don't think I could've gotten through that without you."

"You're welcome, sweet girl." She said with a small smile before she kissed your shoulder softly. "Come on. Stand up and brush your teeth so we can go back to bed."

You stood up with her help and as you brushed your teeth, she kept her hands on your hips to keep you steady and wordlessly remind you that she was still there with you, even now.

Your eyes felt so heavy due to the exhaustion you felt.

When you finished brushing your teeth and your tongue, you just closed your eyes and leaned against Billie, almost too tired to even walk.

"Are you alright, baby?"She frowned as she stared down at you when you buried your face in her shirt.

"I'm so tired."

"I know you are." She said. "That's why we're going to bed now. Open your eyes for me for just a minute."

You did as she said but struggled to keep them open the entire way, even though the bathroom was connected to the bedroom and the walk to the bed wasn't that far.

When you feel that awful, it feels like it's a long way away.

But Billie helped you every step of the way and when you were in bed, she tucked you in and told you that it was okay to go to sleep.

"Close your eyes, darling. Go to sleep. It's okay." She said and kissed your warm forehead before climbing into bed with you.

She watched you fall asleep, whispering words of love into your ear and singing a little bit of your favorite song until she knew you were sleeping soundly.

"I hate seeing you so sick. I hope you feel better soon." She whispered before kissing your cheek. "Sweet dreams, my baby. I'm here if you need me and I love you lots."

Billie Eilish Imagines (gxg) Where stories live. Discover now