food poisoning

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This wasn't how you pictured tonight going.

You pictured it being you and Billie curled up on the couch after the delicious dinner you had shared at the new restaurant down the street. You thought you'd sneak a few kisses and maybe talk about your week.

Instead, Billie was kneeling on the floor behind you, comforting you as you vomited into the toilet. She had just tied your hair up for you, a few strands slipping out of the messy bun that she just tucked behind your ear. Your skin was clammy but you weren't feverish.

You stopped for a moment to catch your breath as your stomach settled slightly. Your hands were shaky as you reached back for Billie's. She took ahold of your hand right away and leaned down to kiss the back of your neck softly.

"I feel like crap."

The comforting brush of her hand across your shoulder blade followed by the soft brush of her lips to the same spot seemed to put you at ease for a second.

"I know. I'm sorry. It's my fault, I'm the one that suggested we try that new restaurant."

She felt guilty and there was no denying that. She wanted to treat you to a nice meal and she figured that something new would be wonderful! But if she would've known, she would've just taken you to the place just a little further down that you absolutely love.

"It's not your fault, It's theirs's." You said and swallowed thickly as your stomach started to feel funny again. Your mouth began to water and you knew you were gonna be sick again. Just as Billie went to wrap her arms around you, you leaned your head over the toilet and gagged again.

"That's it, y/n. Just let it out. It's gonna be okay."

She comforted you with words of encouragement and little kisses to your skin until you stopped. You flushed the toilet and hung your head back against her shoulder, desperate for her to hold you and make you feel safe.

"I've got you, baby." She said, kissing the crown of your head.

"I need to brush my teeth. I need this taste out of my mouth before I get sick again."

Billie nodded and stood up quickly. She grabbed your toothbrush and squirted some toothpaste onto it before helping you stand on your shaky legs and carefully move you to the sink.

"Do you think you'll be okay here for a minute?" She asked worriedly. She didn't want to leave you alone, but there was something she needed to do.

"I'll be okay. I don't feel sick right now but I'm sure you'll hear me if I do."

She chuckled sadly before moving the sleeve of your shirt aside just slightly so she could lay a few kisses to your shoulder. They dropped as her lips brushed against your skin, your worries fading away with the comfort that only she can give you.

"I'll be right back." She said before rushing out of the bathroom, leaving you to brush your teeth alone. You paid a little extra attention to your tongue, desperate to rid it of the icky taste that lingered. You put it back into the holder and ran a little cold water over your fingertips and across your forehead before rinsing your mouth out.

When you managed to find the strength to exit the bathroom a moment later, your heart melted by what was waiting for you. Billie was setting some crackers on the nightstand for you, along with some water for you to sip on. She looked toward the door upon hearing your footsteps as she unfolded a sheet she grabbed from the closet, thinking it'd be perfect for you to curl up in.

"There's my girl! How's your stomach feel?" She asked as she made her way over to you, arms wrapping around you to bring you into a comforting hug. It brought a small smile to your face. Her arms were loose around you, trying to avoid squeezing tightly in fear that it'd make your stomach flip.

"A little sore but I feel a little better."

She pulled away and laid her hands on your cheeks. "I see the color coming back to your skin. That's good, my love! I'm happy you're feeling a little better, but until this icky food poisoning is over I will be taking great care of you!" She promised and took your hand to lead you to the bed, slowly and carefully.

"I'm so tired." You said as you climbed into bed. Billie covered you up with the sheet. You snuggled up into it, loving the warmth it provided without being too warm.

"I bet you are."

Billie climbed into bed next to you and let her fingers spread out over your shoulder. "I know you've got to be exhausted after being so sick. Try to sleep. You know that if you need anything, anything at all, I'm here and I'll make sure you have what you need."

She kissed your neck as your eyes closed.

"I'm so lucky to have you."

Billie shook her head as she brushed her fingers through your hair. "I'm lucky to have you. Sweet dreams. I really hope that you feel much better soon." She said as you drifted off to sleep.

She knew she wouldn't sleep much tonight. Between worrying about you and wanting to get you whatever you wanted or needed. But she didn't mind! She just wanted you to feel better.

Billie Eilish Imagines (gxg) Where stories live. Discover now