Ch. 19 Lachlan Wakes

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Extra hot and Spicy chapter for you guys.Tararocks157 here's the update.
Not as long as most chapters but, school got cancelled!

Oh and thanks for the 500 reads doods
👍. Thanks to Tararocks157 for being supportive. As you can see this update is a day earlier so yeah.

2015! Plus the school year is going by so quick! Can you believe it??? Well any ways get to the story.

Lucy POV

Let's just say that once I read the note to everyone dad went crazy. He told me he was sorry. He tried everything he could to make me talk to him. Not gonna happen dad.

"Lucy I'm sorry for the hundredth time" Dad said with sympathy in his voice.

"So what was it like in the prison?" I asked Jase and Mitch

They gave me awkward glares as I tried to avoid my dad.

"Well I was stuck in a cell with a guy who killed a whole entire family" Mitch said the color draining from his face.

"I think you said his name was Griff" Jason said

"Yeah Griff Howler" Mitch confirmed.

"Griff?" dad asked

"Yes sir Griff Howler" Mitch answered

"Did you tell him anything?" Dad asked frantically.

"Um I told him my name and my friends and our street" Mitch said acting like it wasn't a big deal.

"Oh shiz, Griff Howler is a former leader of the Survivors" Dad announced.

"Once he was replaced by the now dead leader of the survivors he went on a rampage" Dad explained

"He killed a family of 6, he was going to get paid 30,000 dollars" Dad whispered

"That's not a lot if you ask me" Jase says

"The guy wasn't in it for money he was in it for pleasure of pain"Dad whispered.

"BOOM!" A sound echoed

The door slammed open and dads men came in.

"Sir we've been attack with firework" The solider said

"Call captain Connor" Dad told him.

"Alright sir" The man said

"Who is captain Connor?" Jerome asked.

"One of my buddy, he knows the best fighting techniques. You'll need them" Dad answered

"Um ugh" Lachlan groaned.

His face was covered in bruises and cuts.

"Where the hell am I?" Lachlan's asked

"You don't remember?" I question

"All I remember was getting knocked out by Mitch and Jason" Lachlan answered.

"Do we really have to explain it all over again?" Jerome grumbled

"I know what you guys are talking about" Lachlan says

"How do you know?" I asked Lachlan

"Well when Ashley and I dated she told me a bit of it.She told me she was a spy and was sent here by the survivors." Lachlan explained.

"Did she say anything else?" Dad asked
Lachlan shook his head.

"Your Lachlan?" Dad asked even though he knew who it was.

"Yeah and who the hell are you?" Lachlan spat back now realizing dad was here.

"I'm Lucy's dad" Dad said with pride

"I thought you told me he was dead" Lachlan says confused.

"That's what I thought, I also found out I had a little brother" I say through gritted teeth.

"Whatever well as her father I'm going to knock some sense into you"Da said sternly

"You don't mess with my daughter's emotion" Dad warned.

"Sir if you want to know Ashley was a mistake. I was fooled and I still like Lucy. Maybe to the point where I can be in love with her. But, I keep making these mistake that she won't forgive me" Lachlan sighed while he says every single one of those words he stares into my eyes. His eyes with tears and so were mine.

Did he say he loves me?

"Lucy will you please take me back?" He asked with nervousness in his voice you could hear the sadness.

I can't believe I'm doing this but it's for his own good.

"I'm I'm sor-sorry Lachlan" I say with tears streaming down my face.

I couldn't take it anymore with my last bit of strength I stood up and ran up stairs and locked my doors and jumped on my bed and started bawling my eyes out silently.

I could hear the sounds of foot step make its way up to my door.

"Hey Lucy" Jase's voice talked through the door.

"Open up you know you want to" Mitch voice cooed

"Come on Lil Lucy" Jerome says and could practically see him smiling.

I couldn't resist I opened the door and all 3 of them fell flat on the floor.
I started to laugh I laughed so hard I fell on the floor.

"Well come on guys why are you there on the floor" I say

They rolled there eyes and jumped on MY BED. I joined them.

"Okay Lucy I know it's hard for you and all but, we need that funny light headed Lucy back" Jerome says

"I'm not light headed" I say

"Sure keep telling yourself that" Jase smiles

"I'm not going to lie I have a big secret I haven't told you all. Not even you Mitch" Jerome says a little sad.

"I'm not Jerome Aceti well I mean I am not just Jerome I mean I am Jerome but Ugh this is confusing!!" Jerome exclaimed.

"Well any ways I'm uhh" He looks around and mumbles something that only Mitch heard.

"Are you sure?" Mitch asked.

"Yeah I'm gay" he whispered ashamed of himself.

"Woo I know have a gay best friend" I exclaimed

I forgot all my problems until Lachlan showed up.


"Guys can I please talk to Lucy?" I asked my heart was racing and my palms were sweaty.

They all looked at her and she nodded as they stood up and walked to the door Mitch whispered in my ears,

"Better not make her cry"

I gulped it made me even more nervous.

Once they all left I closed the door behind me and walked to her bed and sat on it.

"Lucy I'm sorry for everything I've done to you. I'm sorry for using your emotions and mixing them up. I'm a horrible guy I know that I just want one more chance. I will think of no one else I will look at no one else just you Lucy please" I begged her.

She cried and she just sat there crying. I scooted up a bit and held her in my arms like the first time we met.

She sobbed, I was never going to let go.

Soon she stopped and then she whispered the word the word that would crush my dreams the words that made my nightmares come true.

"I'm taken" She says

Just 2 simple words and my world fell. The pain in my heart was unbearable.
I forced on a smile for her even though I felt like dying.

"That's great but, by who?" I asked ready to beat that guy to death.

"Mitch" She whispered.

Oh that kid.

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