Ch. 6 You should have thought

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Lucy POV

Lachlan slept in the couch that night with Mitch on the floor. Ashley went to a hotel and was staying here for the rest of summer.

"So what happened last night, I have the worst headache ever" I heard a voice groan from down stairs.

I was currently walking down the stairs to the kitchen I honestly didn't want to face Mitch.

"I told her everything" Another voice mumbled that I barley heard.

"What!" The first voice exclaimed

"I thought we were friends!"I'm guessing Mitch yelled

"I couldn't lie to her" Lachlan replied

"What did she say?" Mitch asked

"She um-um" Lachlan said

"She broke up with you" I said emerging into the kitchen.

"You little piece of poop!, you got me into this why did you even tell her she would have never known if your fat mouth didn't blabber!" Mitch screamed

Lachlan looked at the ground I could tell he was breaking from the hurtful comments Mitch had just shouted. Lachlan told me went thru a phase of thinking bad about his self and wanting to cut but, Mitch was the one that had helped him through it. Now Mitch is probably making Lachlan think bad again. But, that wasn't it,

"You little scumbag if it wasn't for you I would be happy right now" Mitch exclaimed

"You would have plenty of guilt on you" Lachlan replied

"I would have delt with it. Now your stupid girlfriend had to over react about the burn and the kiss" Mitch kept thinking of ways to make Lachlan feel bad.

"Don't talk about her like that!" Lachlan shouted

Wow talk about a mood swing, I was shocked at little Lachy and I think Mitch was to.

"You can talk trash about me but, no one and I mean no one can talk to Lucy like that"Lachlan exploded

"Well at least I'm not a worthless piece of s**t"

That shut Lachlan up and Mitch smirked.

"I would still be in a relationship if it wasn't for your crap" Mitch was fuming

I couldn't stand it anymore I was ready to explode on Mitch and that is what I did.

"Well at least he isn't a dirty stinking cheater like you, he is loyal and better then you can ever be!" I shouted at Mitch

"You should have thought about it before you ate a girls face off, and it was your fault for kissing me, why you gotta be so rude" I am on fire

(Anyone got that? Rude by magic)

"You don't deserve anyone as good as Ashley you don't deserve friends like Lachlan and you don't deserve any of your friends you blame everything on your friends when things go wrong, Lachlan was in his state of depression a couple years ago and you were the one that brought him back where is that Mitch the caring, loyal friend?" I exploded literally all over of Mitch's feelings.

We stood there for a moment or two of silence until Mitch spoke.

"Your right Lucy, I'm sorry Lachlan I just really like Ashley and now that I have ruined it I blamed it all on you" Mitch whispered.

Was Mitch crying?

"Hey, little Benja it's okay dude" Lachlan smiled

They did their bro hug fist thing that all guys do.

"Hey Lucy sorry to I'm just very stressed right now" Mitch apologized

I smiled I really couldn't think of what else to do one second I was bursting with anger the next I feel bad for him.

I must be crazy, but everyone deserve another chance right?

I was thinking when an idea popped its way into my head if Mitch was stress and he couldn't think straight maybe we should help him.

Wow thanks bob

Who's bob? my mind thought

You duh

Bob, should we give Mitch another chance?-Me

That's what friends are for-bob


"Let's watch YouTube videos to cheer you up and so you can relax" I stated

The 2 boys nodded and we went into the living room where my laptop sat on a desk in a small corner. They plugged cords and wires and stuff into the tv.

"Ohh let's watch Preston's new video" I said excitedly

The boys laughed and agreed his video was named 'The New TBNRFRAGS'

"Hey guys it's Preston here and I'm just gonna get straight into it, Sarah and I have broken up" Preston sighed

"The only reason we did was because,I'm not who you think I am. I'm not tbnrfrags that likes girls I am tbnrfrags that liked guys and I am dating one since of yesterday" he sighed again.

"My boyfriend is wait let me get him in here ohh boyfriend"Preston called to someone

This is edgy I never knew Preston was gay. I mean I'm not against it but wow I'm surprised and so was the guys.

"Guys you all know who this gentleman is this is my boyfriend Robert,Woofless


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