Ch. 9 Im over you

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Mitch POV

I walked around the block having no clue where the hell I was going. I swore to myself that I will get Ashley back into my heart.

Jerome said he was going to visit the next couple of days. I really missed my best buddy, he can read me like an open book. I was watching the cracked stone ground when I got a text from Lucy.

L- 255 floor 2 Oak ave building: Troyler.

Huh? What was that suppose to mean, was it Ashley's place or what?

L-have you seen Lachlan?

M- Sorry, I haven't seen him. he is probably doing something.

I walked down the road and took left and right turns occasionally asking where oak ave was. I finally got there and walked into her hotel.

"Hello, who are you looking for?" The manger said

"I'm looking for Ashley" I stated

"Ohh the really poofy haired girl with the nice butt?" The guy asked

"I'm her boyfriend" I sneered

"Ohh here the keys" the guy said handing me the keys.

I glared at him and walked up the stairs and decide to vlog, I never really vlog but, I feel like vlogging to see how my fans will react.

I went in and looked around looking to see if she's home. I knocked once then twice and still no answer.

Well no one is there I took my camera out and I wanted to see what she does when I'm not here I put, my camera in the black wooded bookshelf and walked out the door.

I know that seems a little stalkerish but, I wanted to know if she really likes me or she was just using me. She didn't react much when I kissed Lucy, I was wondering if she even liked me.

I walked out just in time to see Ashley and a boy talking. They were really close to me, I ran around the block and went back to the nearest coffee place.

It's been nearly 2 hours and I know Ashley at this time she is going to go take a shower. Don't ask me why but, I just know. I walked to the front of the block and went inside the hotel surly enough I heard her shower turn on and she started humming.

I ran to my hidden camera and rushed back out but, before I did I saw a pair of panties laying on the floor. I shrugged it off and stood in the hallway and opened to take a peek in my camera. My eyes widen what I saw was horrifying and heartbroken.

"Mitch what are you doing here?" Ashley asked

I turned around and showed her what was on my camera her eyes widen to and looked at me.

"Mitch, please.." Before I heard anything else I ran across the hallway and outside the door my eyes filled with tear.

Ashley was just using me.

Lucy's gonna be pissed.


"Hey Lucy" I mumbled

"Mitch what up why you so sad?" Lucy asked

"Do you like Lachlan a lot?" I asked

"He's like the perfect guy for me" She replied

Well her heart is going to be broken,oh well better tell her now before things get a little bit more serious.

"Um look at this video" I said

"Oh okay" she said with confusion in her voice.

I took my phone out and showed her the video. It was quiet and empty for the first 5 minutes.

Just A Dream (Craftbattleduty fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें