Chapter Nine: Gone

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The muffled ringing sound of his phone woke him. Just as he touched it stopped. He sighed and twisted back to his comfy spot when it started blasting again. Looking at the caller ID he shot up, all traces of sleep gone. A call this late was nothing good.

"Dad, what's going on?"

"Is your mother there?" Jordan asked his voice riddled with worry.

"No, she's not home?"

"No, she got up around midnight, I went back to sleep but now... the house is empty."

It was four in the morning and hearing that his mother was not in the house was past alarming. "I'm conferencing Mark."

Jasarie had a key chain filled with spare keys to both, Mark and Jared's places. Not that one would want their mother just popping up at random hours. Due to her memory not being what it used to be. Sometimes she forgot where she lived. Jared had their old house and, Mark lived down the street so sometimes she came over, but a midnight disappearance was the first.

Jared searched his house while waiting for Mark to pick up.

"Jared wha..."

"Is mom there?" He fired.


"Oh god." Dad moaned.

"Dad? What's going on?"

"Mark, I'm bringing the kids over, Dad double-check the house and I'll come pick you up in ten."

He ended the call and went to Janaé's room. Waking her with a gentle rub.  

 "Daddy?" She yawned.

"Come on, pumpkin."

 He put her purple hoodie on her. She started nodding again. They play so much during the day so as soon as they hit their beds they go into comatose like sleeping states. Javed and Felecia did not budge one bit. And he had to make three trips to the jeep. With them buckled up and snoozing he got in the driver's seat and drove off.

Mark was waiting outside when he got to his place and he helped take the kids to the guest room. Janaé half walked half stumbled behind them. 

"It's getting worse."

 He sighed as they drove off. Hating when incidents like this happened. Their Mom's condition has now worsened to the point where she would just take off. Going to places where she left behind trying to figure things out. It does not help that her mind went back to points before her coma. Mark was non-existent at the time and Jared was still learning how to spell his name. Tracking her down sometimes is even more tasking for Jordan.

"I have to say this is the scariest one though. Mom disappearing like this."

"We may have to put a tracking device on her."

 He has been thinking about it for a while now. They knew they couldn't always keep an eye on her and now, neither could Jordan. Even with a tracking app on her phone she still could forget it. They needed to implement all the measures and precautions now. 

"We should, it doesn't get any better when things like this start happening."

Jordan was pacing outside his face plastered with worry. He hopped in the jeep.

"Where was the last place you two went today?" Jared asked.

"We were home all morning then we went to the park then Midnight's for dinner."

"Did you guys meet up on any old friends?"

At the mention of old friends dad's face went white. His eyes bulged and he went out of breath. A million thoughts were racing across his mind but he dreaded the conclusion looming in his mind.

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