xl. zirconium

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WILLOW SNIFFLES AS SHE FINALLY calms down from all the crying. Kylie had reappeared after a while, no trace of blood on her, letting Willow know she cleaned herself up. The Professor isn't sure how long she's been here, but she was starting to feel dehydrated, mainly from all the crying.

"Could I, uh, could I get some water?" Willow asks softly, making Kylie look up at her and nod, before walking away. She takes a few deep breaths, as she looks around, wincing as her eyes land on the body. She quickly looks away. It doesn't take long for Kylie to come back, with a glass of water.

"Open up." Kylie says as she brings the glass to Willow's lips, before slightly tilting it, to let the water flow. The brunette breaths out as she finishes the glass, before Kylie pulls it away.

"Can I ask you a question?" Willow asks, Kylie moves towards the table and puts the glass down on it. She turns back around to face the brunette and nods in acknowledgment. "What happened to you?"

"Are you trying to Profile me?" Kylie asks, making Willow shrug.

"I'm not a Profiler. But I'v been around enough of them to know that most UnSubs don't start without a trigger. So what's yours?" Willow asks again, making Kylie sigh as she sits down, in the chair that Charlotte was sitting before.

"Well, to start. I'm Bisexual and my parents don't really approve. I come from a pretty high class family, old money. Which is why I'm even able to go to Brown." Kylie muses, making Willow tilt her head as she listens carefully. "When my parents found out, they turned me into a laughing stock in High School. No one wanted to talk to me, and they all said I could never be loved. Then I came to Brown and you were the Professor to Chemistry. It was also your first time teaching there, so we were both new. You didn't seem to care about anything, you always cared for your student and I felt loved. But you seemed to always pay more attention to me than others. Yet, you left and my whole world shattered."

"Kylie. I'm so sorry, any of this happened. People shouldn't judge you, for who you like. If I could change the past, I promise I would." Willow says, making Kylie shake her head as she stands up.

"You're lying. You're just like the others." Kylie says as she leans against the table.

"No. I'm not lying. I promise. I understand the feeling, of being rejected because of something you can't control. I can't imagine what you went through, but I understand how you feel." Willow assures her, and she can see the muscles in Kylie's body relax.

"How? How do you know?"

"Because... because I was never able to fit in with everyone at school. I was two years above what I was supposed to be and my classmates obviously didn't want to be with a girl two years younger. And my age group didn't want to be with me, because they thought that I thought I was better than them because I was two years ahead. I was never made fun of, but I was rejected too and I know the feeling. It's not the same and you went through worse." Willow explains, and Kylie weakens as she slowly starts to realise what she's done.

"Do you think I'll make it out of this alive?" Kylie asks, making Willow nod with a soft smile.

"I'm sure. If you don't hurt anyone else, you could get out in twenty years." Willow answers, making Kylie burst into tears.

"I messed up so badly, I'm so sorry Professor Crawford." New tears form in Willow's eyes as she watches her breakdown. "Will you stay with me through the process?"

"Of course. I'll be there till the end." Willow promises, making Kylie nod as she moves behind her and removes the restraints. Willow stands up and pulls the blonde in a hug. "It's okay, Kylie. You'll get through this. You're not alone, you're not unloved."

"I'm so sorry." Kylie cries, making Willow nod in understanding and comfort her, both having tears running down their cheeks. All of a sudden the door bursts open revealing FBI agents and the SWAT team.

"Ma'am step away from her." One of the SWAT Team members shouts, making Willow look at them and she notices the team, who look at her in worry.

"I'm scared." Kylie admits, as Willow slowly pulls away and gives her a reassuring smile.

"You'll be okay." She assures her, and Kylie nods weakly.

"There is something I want you to have." Kylie says as she reaches behind her, but the sudden movement alerts the SWAT team and the sound of a gunshot is heard, making Willow gasp as she watches Kylie drop. Her whole body shakes as she looks down to see her on the floor next to Charlotte, shot right in the forehead.

Chaos settles on the room, but Willow zones it all out as she starts to slowly back away from the two bodies of her students. She doesn't even notice when arms wrap around her and she starts to sob violently.

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