xxxiii. arsenic

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"DETECTIVE CROWLEY?" Garcia asks as they walks into the police station. The man turns around and shakes hand with her.

"Miss Garcia. Thanks for coming. And she emailed pictures of you guys. Agents Hotchner, Rossi, Dr. Reid and Professor Crawford, right? It's doctor and professor, not Agent. She was specific about that." Detective Crowley says, making Willow smile at her impressed.

"What else was she specific about?" Rossi asks.

"Everything your team needed. I sent her a list of family members who'd be willing to talk, and your boards are over there, all ready for you to set them up. I even got the push pins you asked for." Crowley says, making Hotch nod appreciatively

"Excuse me. Are you miss Garcia?" A man asks as he walks up to them.

"Mr. Keppler. Hi." Garcia greets him, with a warm smile. "This is Detective Crowley. He'll show you to the interview room."

"Hello, sir. Right this way." Detective Crowley leads away the man, as Garcia turns to look at her team.

"He is such a sweet man."

"You contacted the family members already?" Hotch asks, seeming to be impressed.

"Yes. Only two responded back immediately. That's Robert Keppler's dad, and then Scott Hartway's mom will be here in about an hour. Is that enough time?" She asks them, making him nod.

"Yes. Perfect." He assures her.

"Ok. I'm gonna set up the boards unless you need something else." She says, as Spencer and Willow start walking past Hotch and Rossi.

"No, we're good. Thank you." Hotch assures her, and Garcia follows the couple.

"You go girl. Look at you." Willow nudges her slightly, making Garcia blush slightly. "You're going to do amazing. I just know it. And if you need help let me know."

"Okay, thank you." Garcia hugs the brunette quickly.

"Willow, will you come interview Mr. Keppler with me?" Spencer asks as he comes from behind, and takes her hand, as she nods.

"Have fun, my love geniuses. Fly high." Garcia calls out after them, making Willow giggle as they walk hand in hand.

"What's up with the PDA, Dr. Spock?" Willow asks teasingly, making him look down at her in both amusement and confusion.

"Are you referring to Paediatrician Benjamin Spock, who wrote about the care between children and their mothers?" Spencer asks, making her nod. "You're weird."

"And you like me. So you're weirder." She says defensively as he opens the door to where Mr. Keppler is waiting for them and they let go of each other's hands. He looks up at the couple and smiles. "Hello, Mr. Keppler. I'm Professor Crawford and this is Doctor Reid. We're from the FBI."

"You two are so young." Mr. Keppler says, as they sit down across from. "I hope I can be of help on the case."

"I'm sure you will be." Willow smiles softly, making Spencer look at her with such admiration, before looking back at Mr. Keppler.

"Can you walk us through a typical day in your son's life?" Spencer asks the man, who is confused by the question.

"What do you mean?"

"The man we're looking for may very well have met Robert and Allison. Can you tell us what they liked to do?" Spencer explains and then rephrases his question.

"I can tell you those two were married. To their jobs. He was lawyer, and she was a pediatrician. They went to work, they came home. That was their day." Mr. Keppler explains, making Spencer hum in understanding.

"What about college?" Willow asks, making him smile softly.

"Well, top of his class at Harvard. Made Law Review at Yale. I was very proud." He admits, making her mirror his soft smile.

"Thank you, Mr. Keppler. This helps us a lot." Willow says, making him nod.

"Are you two married?" He asks the couple, suddenly, who are taken back by the suddenness of it.

"Uh, no. We've been together for only two weeks now." Willow answers, slightly uncomfortable with the energy in the room.

"Oh, sorry. You two just look so perfect together. I wish you the best of luck." Mr. Keppler making the two both say thank you before leaving the room. Both join up with Hotch and Rossi, who interviewed the other victim's mother. Both explain what they discover before coming to a conclusion.

"So both victims were alpha males?" Hotch asks, making Spencer nod.

"It's the only trait we could find that connects the couples. We know that female type isn't specific to this unsub, but what if this is?" He wonders.

"Typically, alpha males only attack other alphas. That's how the unsub sees himself." Willow explains, as she looks at Hotch and Rossi.

"These men are the only competitors he takes seriously. And the overkill on the wives is expression of control in alpha male terms. He's proving his dominance over his rival by obliterating their mate." Rossi finishes off, making the couple nod in agreement.

"We need more details about these men's lives. I'll have Garcia pull up more personal information." Hotch says, before he walks away to find the tech expert.

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