xxxiv. selenium

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"THIS IS THE SECOND crime scene. The unsub took the Hartways to lovers lane. Then he turned the heat up in the vehicle and tuned the radio to a soul music station." Emily explains as she shows the pictures of the crime scene.

"This is the first crime scene. Al Green was in the CD player, candles had been lit." Derek says as Emily brings up the pictures of the mentioned crime scene.

"He's staging the scene." Hotch muses.

"Control is critical to him. We know this. But to a different end than we initially thought." Emily says, making raise an eyebrow questioningly.

"These murders are about the fantasy, only the fantasy isn't sadistic, it's romantic." Derek says, making Willow look at them as if they'd just grown two heads.

"Well, we profiled from the interviews that he's picking the husbands first. How's that romantic?" Spencer asks.

"Alpha males marry the most attractive females. Once he meets the husband, he knows the wife is gonna fit his needs." Emily answers his question.

"We know this unsub is impotent, but what we're seeing here isn't the usual psychological block keeping him from getting aroused. This is physiological." Derek explains to the team.

"How can you be sure of that?" Rossi asks the duo that just comes back from the crime scenes.

"He brings Viagra to the crime scenes. If he wanted, he could pop a pill, let the drug take effect. Instead, he gives it to the husbands. Why?" Emily questions.

"It's not working for him anymore." Rossi concludes.

"Something definitely happened to this guy. Prostate cancer, surgery, something. But whatever it was, it cut him off from fulfilling his needs, so he's using the couples as surrogates." Derek muses.

"So why does he make the husband wear a condom?" Hotch asks as he crosses his arms over his chest.

"Well, we don't know that connection yet." Derek admits, as he looks at his supervisor.

"He's going to kill the husbands anyway. He can't perform on the wives. The condoms are redundant." Spencer points out.

"If the theory's right, he's acting out a fantasy in which contraception plays a key role. Until we understand what the role is, we're not gonna find him." Hotch says, before dismissing them all.

"Wait, Emily you mentioned that Alpha males marry the pretty ones..." Spencer trails, making Emily chuckle as she notices him looking between her and his girlfriend.

"You're not married to her and I never said all pretty ones marry the Alpha male." Emily says teasingly, making him huff. Willow chuckles before she stands up and starts walking to Garcia's makeshift office.

"Hey. How's it going?" She asks, as she leans against the doorframe. Garcia looks up and let's out a deep breath.

"So stressful." Garcia sighs, making Willow smile sadly.

"Can I help you? With anything?" She asks, making Garcia shake her head. "You sure?"

"I'm fine, my buttercup. You go save the day and analyse this bad guy." Garcia says, waving her off. Willow chuckles softly, before she walks away. As she walks through the police station, she's suddenly pulled into a hallway, making her shriek.

"Oh, my God. Spence?" Willow breaths out as she leans against the wall and looks up at the boy genius. "What? What are you doing?"

"Something definitely more romantic than what the UnSub is doing." He says jokingly, before he leans forward and kisses her. He uses one hand on her waist to pull her closer, while the other is on her cheek, as she runs her fingers through his hair.

"Definitely more romantic." Willow breaths out as he pulls away, but he doesn't stop there, instead goes to her neck. A gasp escapes her lips as he kisses her neck, which will leave a clear mark on her skin. "Spence... Spence... as much as I love this and don't want you to stop... we have an UnSub to catch."

"Right." He breaths out as he straightens up, both out of breath and flustered. "But, we're definitely finishing that to night."

"Is that a suggestion or an order?" Willow asks teasingly, making him chuckle softly.

"It's an order." He says, before walking away. Willow's jaw practically drops as she watches his retreating back. First, she hadn't expected him to pull her into an empty hallway for an abrupt make out session and then for him to be so commanding. She couldn't complain either, but it was sudden.

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