xxvi. iron

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WILLOW SIGHS AS SHE SITS down on her couch, a cup of coffee in her hand. She takes a sip from it, before glancing at Spencer, who seems to be in his own world. They had just gotten back from the case and having had to say goodbye to JJ, who had no choice but to leave. From the two, her departure, affected Spencer the most and Willow knew he needed someone right now, so she invited him over to her place.

"I can't believe she's gone. After seven years." Spencer sighs, putting his own cup down on the table. She smiles weakly, as she puts a reassuring hand in his shoulder, before putting her cup down as well.

"I'm sorry, Spence." She breaths out, before pulling him into her arms. He wraps his arms around her, as she wraps her own around his neck and runs her hand through his hair in a comforting way. They sit in silence for a while, just holding on to each other. "Do you want to watch Star Trek?"

"If in chronological order, yes." He mumbles, making her smile as she nods.

"Then could you move your limps for a second." She muses, making him grumble as he pulls away. Willow shakes her head in amusement as she stands up and pulls out all her collection of Star Trek DVDs. She puts the first one in the DVD player, before turning the TV on. "I'll be back, I'm going to get a blanket."

"Yeah, I'm not going anywhere." Spencer sighs as he drops forwards, so that he's lying on his stomach on the couch, making her giggle as she goes to her room and takes a blanket out of her closet. As she gets back in the living room, she throws the blanket on top of Spencer.

"Make some space will you?" She asks, making him sigh, as he moves just a bit, making her roll her eyes. She climbs over him and pushes herself in between the couch and him. After a while of him complaining that he had to move out of his comfortable position, and adjust, Spencer ends up resting his head on her shoulder, as he has an arm wrapped around her abdomen as she lays on her back. "We good."

"We perfect." He assures her, as she reaches for the remote and starts the movie. After a while of silence once again, as they watch the movie, Spencer breaks it. "It's funny. The last one on one conversation I had with JJ, that wasn't about the case, was about you actually."

"Me? What about me?" She asks, pulling her eyes away from the screen to look down at him, but he is still staring intently at the TV.

"She questioned whether all your degrees are real." He says teasingly, making her hit him playfully as he chuckles. "I'm kidding. It was actually about what I told you on the Flynn case."

"You've... You've told me a lot of things on the Flynn case." Willow's breath gets caught at the back of the throat. She obviously knew what he was talking about.

"You know what I mean. I thought we could talk about it after, but Hotch told you to take a month of absence, and I barely saw you since we kept getting new cases and you were giving lectures." He admits, making her bite her lip, just as he looks up at her. "Well, that doesn't matter anymore. What I wanted to tell you, was that I like you and not just as friends or best friends, but as more."

"Spence." Willow breaths out, as a small smile stretches on her lips. "I like you too."

"Really?" He asks, making her nod, which leads to him mirroring her smile. "Uh, I really want to kiss you right now. Could I?"

"Yeah, you can." She says, her voice barely above a whisper as he leans a up and she leans down slightly. Their lips meet halfway, and despite their unusual position, they felt like they're in heaven. After a while, both out of breath, they pull away. "So, um, great movie."

"We've already watched it." Spencer breaths out, as he pushes himself up, so that he's hovering over her and leans back down to reconnect their lips. Willow smiles, as she wraps her arms around his neck. The movie is quickly forgotten as they spend the night kissing and talking, their hearts exploding in pure joy.

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