vii. nitrogen

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"YEAH, THEY'RE HOSING him down now. All right." Derek hangs up the phone before walking closer to the plastic sheet separating him and Spencer. "They're checking out Brown's house."

"Go help Hotch." Spencer says as the paramedics in Hazmat suits hose him down.

"Hotch has plenty of people helping him." Derek points out, as Spencer clears his throat.

"He needs you more than I do." Spencer argues back, making Derek huff.

"Reid, I'm gonna see you off to the hospital." He says stubbornly, making Spencer give him a tight smile.

"I'm about to get naked so they can scrub me down. Is that something you really want to see?" Spencer asks Derek, causing the FBI agent to suddenly feel uncomfortable.

"I'll check on you later." Derek says, before turning to look down at Willow who had removed the Hazmat suit and was now out of harm. "Take good care of him, please."

"Right. See you later." Willow smiles softly, before turning to look at Spencer. She watches as Dr. Kimura hands the inhaler to a paramedic before looking back at Spencer.

"You don't have to stay, you know? You technically finished helping the BAU." Spencer points out to Willow, as he starts removing his tie, making Willow turn around to give him a bit of privacy although with the others in there with him, the privacy is limited.

"I know. But at the end of Med School, I took an oath. So, I'm staying here until you feel better." Willow says, making Spencer smile gratefully, although she couldn't see it.

"Dr. Reid, did you cut yourself?" At Dr. Kimura's question, Willow turns back around and looks at Spencer in worry. He was still wearing his clothes, as he stared at the cut on his hand.

"I think I'm going to have a heart attack." Willow says under her breath, as she starts to worry even more.

"Professor, I need you to tell the ambulance to get ready for an immediate departure, while we get Dr. Reid our of his clothes." Dr. Kimura says, noticing how pale Willow had turned and worried she seems.

"Right. Uh... got it." Willow breaths out, before rushing away towards the nearest ambulance, the Soldiers standing at the side look at her.

"Miss, I'm sorry but you can't be here." One of the men says, as he stands up straight in attempt to intimidate her.

"It's Professor actually. And I'm here with the BAU. My friend needs an emergency evacuation to the Hospital, so if you could put your toxic masculinityaside for a second, so that we can save a life, that would be great." Willow snaps, making the two men look at each other before nodding. It doesn't take long for Dr. Kimura and Spencer to get to the Ambulance, the soldiers help Spencer into the vehicle as he lies down on stretcher. Dr. Kimura steps in before Willow does, sitting down next to her.

"You think you can use your Medical experience?" Dr. Kimura asks, making Willow nod as she helps set up everything. The soldier takes Spencer's blood pressure as Willow sits down after finishing and Dr. Kimura checks his pulse. "How are you feeling, Dr. Reid?"

"My throat's a little dry. But other than that, I feel... Flee... Feel fin. I feel... I fleel fin. I..." Willow's heart drops as Spencer starts showing symptoms of aphasia.

"Dr. Reid, okay. Driver, faster." Dr. Kimura cuts him off, before instructing the driver. As Spencer starts coughing, a little blood starts rolling down his cheek from his mouth.

"How much more time until we get to the Hospital?" Willow asks, making Dr. Kimura look at her with a sympathetic smile.

"Don't worry. We're there." Dr. Kimura says as the ambulance takes a sharp turn into the hospital. As soon as the ambulance stops, the doors are opened and the stretcher is pulled out with Spencer on it. Willow is about to follow, but Dr. Kimura stops her. "I can't thank you enough for the help on the way, but you know the rules. You have a personal connection to him-"

"I know. I won't interfere. I just want you to keep me updated." Willow assures the Doctor, that is aware of the fact that Medical Doctors couldn't treat close relations.

"And I will." Dr. Kimura assures her, before they both step out and rush after them. Willow stops at the double door that leads to the room where the doctors will be treating him. She sighs as she crosses her arms over her stomach, before going to sit down. She nervously bites her lip. Not more than thirty minutes later, she hears the sound of someone running in her direction, making her look up to see Derek. She immediately jumps to her feet as he gets closer.

"I'm so sorry. You trusted me to take care of him and I... I..." Willow stutters are the end, making Derek soften as he pulls her into a hug.

"You did what you could, kid. This is out of our control. I'm sure he'll be fine." Derek assures her, as she nods before he pulls away and they look at the double door. As if she knew they were waiting for her, Dr. Kimura steps out and walks up to them.

"He's gonna be fine. He's resting in his room. Should I bring you there?" Dr. Kimura asks, making them both nod. The Doctor leads them into a room, where Spencer is resting and they both take a seat. "I'll leave you three."

"Thank you." Derek smiles as Dr. Kimura walks out of the room. He grabs the jello and silently offers it to Willow, who shakes her head. "How are you feeling? You must be very tired. It's been a long day."

"Longest day of my life." She admits with a chuckle, as she looks at Spencer who seems at peace and less worried than before. "The most excitement I'm used to, is having all my students talk at once when I ask a question."

"I could never have the patience to do that." Derek chuckles, making her hum as she smiles softly. She looks down, before taking a magazine and reading it, Derek doing the same. A comfortable silence settles on them, as they await for Spencer to wake up and it isn't long before he does.

"You're eating jell-o?" Spencer speaks up, making the two look up from the magazine.

"Hmm. Hey, kid." Derek greets him happily, before turning to lookout the door where Dr. Kimura is talking to a nurse. "Hey, doc. Look who's back."

"Is there any more jello?" Spencer asks, making Willow chuckle softly as she puts the magazine aside.

"Hey. Not so fast." Dr. Kimura says as Derek stands up, while Willow leans on the bed.

"What happened?" Spencer asks the three.

"You're gonna be all right, kid." Derek assures him with a smile.

"And we got Brown. Well, you got Brown I mean. It's over." Willow says with a wide grin, making Spencer smile softly at her.

"How's Abby?" Spencer asks Willow and Dr. Kimura, who looks at Willow silently telling her she could answer.

"She's on the mend. So are the 3 others. You were right about where to look for his cure." Willow says, making him beam.

"Why was Dr. Nichols making anthrax in the first place?" Spencer wonders, making Derek sigh.

"He was a brain scientist downgraded to working on the flu. Brown comes along asking for help on his thesis..." Derek trails, making Spencer connect the dotts.

"Would have been more than happy to share his knowledge." He concludes, making Derek nod.

"There was no indication that Nichols had any idea what Brown was planning." Derek admits.

"His strain and its cure are getting locked up in containment at fort detrick, with all the other bio-agents people don't know about." Willow sighs, making Derek frown slightly.

"Hmm. Really. What else do they have locked up in there?" Derek muses, making Willow shrug.

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