xix. potassium

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SPENCER TAKES A QUICK LOOK at Willow, making sure she is okay. All he wanted to do right now is comfort her, but he knew that she wanted him to focus on getting Ellie back safely as soon as possible. He dials Garcia's number and puts the phone on speaker as they all stand around the kitchen counter.

"Hello?" Garcia answers not long after the phone starts ringing. "Is my other baby okay? Did you get Willow?"

"Garcia, she's fine. Focus." Hotch says, making Garcia clear her throat.

"Ok. Let me preface this by saying that a 40-year-old murder in a suburb of Los Angeles is an absurdly impossible request. Having said that, yours truly happens to know that the Pollack Library at Cal State-" Garcia's rant is cute off, by Hotch.


"Yes, sir, sorry, uh... Anyway, this murder was quite the scandal." She informs them.

"For Southern California in the sixties, that's saying something." Detective Kursbard admits.

"Ok, I don't know who was talking right then, but... Word. So, Nora Flynn was a prostitute and a drug addict living in a desert community just outside of Los Angeles. It appears bikers were her stock in trade, rough bikers, and one fateful day, she and her client were murdered by her 13-year-old son Billy. Shot to death. The customer, ironically named John, was able to tell the police before he died that Billy made him beg for his life and then shot him anyway." Garcia tells them the information she got.

"That's him." Derek says, anger evident in his voice.

"And he was convicted, but..." She trails off, making Willow understand, where she was going with this.

"He's a juvenile." Willow breaths out, making Spencer look up at her.

"Right. So at 18, he was released in 1973, never heard from again." Garcia says, the sound of her typing in the background.

"Oh, he was heard from." Emily assures the tech expert.

"And he never released a statement as to why he killed them, although it does appear his childhood was horrific. I'm sending you a picture of him on the day he was released to your PDAS." Garcia concludes.

"Make sure you send the files to JJ." Hotch instructs her.

"Of course, my liege. Garcia bids you ad-" Derek cuts her off.

"Garcia, wait a minute." He says before taking the phone and removing it from speaker, as he leaves the room. Spencer walks up to Willow, look up at him.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't there. I shouldn't have left you alone there." Spencer says, as he sits down in front of her, making her look at him in confusion.

"This isn't your fault, Spence. If anything, it's mine. I didn't listen when you told me stay put. I thought if I stayed near the door, I would be okay. But I should've just stayed there." She sighs, and he is about to reply, but Emily slowly approaches them.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but JJ is starting to communicate with him." Emily informs them, making Spencer sigh.

"Uh, could you keep us posted? We're going to stay here for now." Spencer says, making Emily nod in understanding before she leaves them.

"Shouldn't you go?" Willow asks, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Maybe. But there isn't much I can do right now. And I think you need a best friend right now." He says, making her smile softly.

"Is it your best friend intuition?" She asks teasingly, making him chuckle.

"If I'm honest, I think it's more than just best friend intuition at this point." He admits, making her breath get caught in her throat. "I know this isn't the time to talk about this, which is why I won't. But, I need you to know, that I don't know what I would have done if something had happened to you."

"Spence. I don't know what to say." She breaths out, making him smile understanding.

"I get it. You're still in shock from what happened today. So I get it. Anyway, uh, I'm always here for you, you know that right? And I know that it's already been hard for you to adjust to being a part of the BAU, so if you think it's for the better to just leave-"

"I'm not. I can't. Not anymore. Spence, I know he didn't hurt me, but I also know it wasn't going to be long before he did. Now, there's no one to protect Ellie from him. We'll catch him and then eventually forget this case like many others. But I can't go back to just being a Professor when I know there is other people who are in danger and need help, and that I can do something about it." She admits, making him look at her in awe.

"You amazes me everyday, Willow. If you still want to stay, I'm happy and I'll be there through everything." He assures her, making her smile softly, before she leans forward, and wraps her arms around his neck, as she rests her head on his shoulder. Spencer wraps his own arms around her, and closes his eyes as he buries his face in her neck.

"Kids, he let Ellie go." Rossi says as he steps in the room, making them both pull away. Willow looks at him wide eyes.

"I have to go see her." Willow says as she stands up, making Spencer do the same.

"What about Flynn?" Spencer asks, making Rossi sigh.

"He left her at the doorstep of a house. Let's go." Without hesitating, they rush after Rossi and into the SUV's. Willow sighs in relief, at the fact that Ellie is finally safe.

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