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CHARLOTTE'S BREATH HAS GOTTEN shallow as her blood drips down her leg on to the floor. Willow could notice that she was barely holding on to consciousness. She had no idea how long it had been since Kylie had left her, but it felt like ages, when it probably was only a few minutes. As if on cue, Kylie walks back to them.

"Kylie. Please, maybe we can come to an arrangement. Something. But Charlotte needs to see a Doctor as soon as possible. She's loosing too much blood." Willow begs, making Kylie shake her head in denial.

"No. No. We're way passed the arrangement phase." Kylie snaps, making Willow breath out as she tries to think of something.

"That's not fair, Kylie. You never gave me the chance to... consider your feelings." Willow points out, making Kylie stop and look at her. "Shouldn't you at least, give me a chance."

"A chance? A chance to what?" Kylie asks, clearly confused by the Professor's words.

"You know... relationships require chances to get to know each other and to consider their feelings." Willow says nervously, making Kylie look at her in shock.

"Feelings? Professor... do you have feelings for me?" Kylie asks, and Willow could see the joy in her eyes. The brunette felt relieved to see that her plan is working.

"Well, I'm not sure. That's why I... I'm asking for a chance. I know that, uh, you always captured my attention during lectures. And I'd be lying if I didn't admit how beautiful and smart you are. I think you may just be much better than... Dr. Reid." Willow says, making Kylie grin happily as she walks up to her.

"Really? Why didn't you say so earlier? We could have settled this. You and I, we can leave this place and go to Paris or Rome. The world could be our oyster." Kylie says in excitement, making Willow smile weakly.

"I couldn't tell you earlier, because you scared me. You weren't the girl I had learned to admire at Brown, and I thought you were going to hurt me." Willow says, making Kylie soften slightly as she tugs a few strands of her brown hair behind her ear.

"Oh, Willow. I'm so sorry. I would never hurt you. I didn't mean to scary you. I promise we can put this behind." Kylie says softly, making Willow smile happily. Hopefully this would work. All Willow wanted was to give an opportunity for Charlotte to be set free.

"What about Charlotte?" Willow asks as she looks from Kylie to the mentioned, who is sweating from the extreme pain. "Will you let her go?"

"Is that what you want?" Kylie asks, making Willow nod. The blonde hums as she leans down and connects their lips. Willow is taken by surprise, and immediately pulls away, making Kylie's eyes darken into anger. "Too bad you screwed up your chance."

"No. No. Kylie, you just took me by surprise." Willow cries out, as Kylie walks up to Charlotte and pulls out the knife from her thigh, causing the poor girl to moan in pain.

"Oh. Or you just lied." Kylie says angrily, as she pushes the chair which Charlotte is sitting on, making her fall back. Kylie crouches down next to her and brings the hand which is holding the knife up. Willow's breathing gets shallow as her eyes widen in realisation.

"Kylie, no don't. Don't hurt her." Willow protests, but she's ignored as Kylie starts furiously stabbing Charlotte everywhere. The blonde screams her lungs out, with each stab, but they quickly die down, making Willow let out a sob. She closes her eyes, as tears roll down her cheeks, her heart ache for the loss of one of her students. Kylie finally stops stabbing the girl, and stands, blood nearly all over her.

"I hope this serves you as a lesson. There is no turning back anymore, Willow. I will kill everyone you love, and then I will kill you. You hurt me, not once, but twice. First time I easily forgave you, because you didn't know what you were doing. But the second time you knew exactly what you were doing." Kylie snarls, making Willow look at her in pure fear. "And I can't forgive that."

"You don't have to do this, Kylie. You have a problem with me, so fix it with me, leave innocent people out of this. I beg of you." Willow says, making Kylie chuckle as she shakes her head.

"You're far from it, Professor. I want you to feel your heartbreak as I kill everyone in front of your eyes." Kylie says, as she walks close to her, making Willow back away as far as her chair allowed it.

"You can't reach them, Kylie. They're the FBI, it's unrealistic. They'll find me before you can even hurt them." Willow points out, making Kylie grin.

"That's where you're wrong. They'll come for you and I'll use the opportunity to kill at least one." Kylie says, before leaving. Willow bursts into uncontrollable sobs, as feels the hope slowly slipping from her.

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