x. neon

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"THESE VIDEOS THE UNSUB took, it looks like one of them he posted online, which may help me nab him." Garcia says to Hotch and Rossi over the phone, Willow looking intensively at the screen from her seat next to Garcia.

"If he puts it on the web, Can't you track that back directly to his computer?" Rossi asks the tech expert.

"Normally, yes. Normally, in like in 17 seconds I can get you the network he's using, get a physical address of his modem, and presto change-O, no more bad guy, but this unsub is a creepy computer aficionado. Do you guys know what a proxy server is?" Garcia asks after having gone a rant.

"It's an internet relay." Hotch answers, making Garcia nod.

"Precisely. Kids use them to get around blocked sites. Now, usually one proxy is plenty, but this piece of work is using dozens of proxy servers. He's bounced his signal off of China, North Korea, Russia, South Africa..." Garcia is cut off my Hotch, as she furiously types on the keyboard.

"Garcia, can you trace him back to Boise?" Hotch asks.

"Of course I can, and that's what I'm doing? Time is the unfortunate ingredient I need, though. This just in. Looks like one of the proxy servers archived what he was streaming on the night of Dorris Archer's disappearance." Garcia says, making Willow tilt her head as she looks at the screen.

"Can we see it?"

"Pulling it up now." Garcia says, as the video pops up on the screen.

"Well, Prentiss and Morgan were right. He knows the house." Hotch says as Willow watches intensively as they man walks into the house, just when a dog runs towards him. "And the dog knows him."

"Oh, please don't hurt that doggie." Garcia gasps, as Willow bites her lip nervously. The tech expert grabs the Professor's hand as they watch anxiously the clip.

"How many trips inside the house would that take? A dozen?" Rossi asks, clearly talking to Hotch on the other side of the line. Willow feels goosebumps rise on her skin as the UnSub stares at the camera, once he's reached upstairs, before moving towards the room. The camera angle changes to show the women sleeping in her bed.

"See that? The camera's attached to him. It's his point of view." Hotch points out, making Rossi sigh.

"So he can relive it over and over again." Rossi says as the UnSub attacks, the women, making her gasp. Garcia turns away, while Willow shuts her eyes closed.

"Ok, can someone tell me when this is over?" Garcia asks, as the women keeps screaming in the video. "Please."

"Not yet." Rossi says, as the screaming continues to play in the background and it suddenly stops, making Willow pry her eyes open as Garcia turns around and puts her glasses back on.

"He's tender to her. She means more to him as a corpse than as a living person." Rossi points out, as the UnSub caresses the victim.

"Garcia, we need to find the unsub's network. Even if it's a rough area, it'll help narrow the geographic profile." Hotch tells her.

"Yeah. Sir, that's totally what I'm trying to figure out. Uh, there is something else kind of huge you need to know about. Do you see this line of code there?" Garcia asks as red line inboxes a series of codes.

"Yeah, what about them?" Hotch asks back.

"It allows the user admin, and in this case, the unsub, to set up a chat room." Garcia explains, making Willow gape.

"People were watching this on the night of the murder." Willow breaths out.

"We thought he was posting these after the fact. He's not. He wants people to experience it with him." Hotch says thoughtfully.

"He wants an audience. He has fans." Rossi concludes. "We'll call you back later Garcia."

"I think I'm gonna go." Willow says, a lump forming in the back of the throat. "I have a class in an hour."

"Alright. You'll be fine right?" Garcia asks, making Willow nod reassuringly, but she doesn't need to be a Profiler to see that there's something wrong with the brunette. "Are you sure? You can talk to me."

"I don't know. I knew what I was getting in when I accepted to be part of the team, but it doesn't get easier. I've gotten used of seeing dead bodies for autopsy, but the thought of someone doing that to person... I just can't get passed that." Willow sighs, making Garcia smile softly.

"It's okay. I understand. I've been here longer and I still can't get used to it. We'll get through this together." She smiles reassuringly, making Willow smile gratefully. "Now, off you go teaching delinquents about the wonders of Chemistry."

"Okay, call me if you need anything." Willow says as she starts backing away.

"Hold up, you forgot something." Garcia pouts, making Willow giggle as she walks back to her and gives her a hug. "Goodbye my genius. Love you."

"Love you too." Willow calls out as she leaves the room.

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