Thirty-Two//Memories meeting.

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Although ghost are already dead I've heard that once they get killed in limbo they are gone into oblivion. It's different from limbo. It's nothing. It's pitch black and lonely. It's a dark, invisible hell. Your soul is officially gone once killed in limbo. I won't let that happened to any of my specters though because they deserve better.

"Why couldn't you witch us to the doppelgänger?" Niall asks, huffing.

"Because it's too many of you." She retorts, "That's too much energy wasted."

"You basically called us a waste of your time." Louis says, rolling his eyes.

"Whatever." Rena says, brushing him off.

I stopped walking and spoke, "well, why are they helping us?"

Rena stops walking and turn around, glaring into my direction.

"Listen little girl." She seethes, pointing her finger at me. "I have no time for your crap."

"Obviously you have time for none of us!" I yell, "If it weren't for that young man and my mom being captured I would've let your ass walk alone and fight him yourself."

"Calm down." Liam says, pulling me back.

"I am calm." I glare at Rena as she turns on her heel and walks off.

"C'mon." Liam says, pulling me with him.

"Are we there yet?" One of the little specters wondered, dragging her feet.

"No." Rena says annoyed.

We've been walking for a while. We've went through so many entrances that I don't think we can find our way out unless Rena left some amazing trail which I doubt she'll do.

I look down at the little girl who had gotten shut down by Rena and tapped her shoulder. She quickly looks up at me with her sadden eyes and I kneel down, grabbing her small hands.

"You can piggy back ride." I smiled, pushing a strained of her hair behind her ear.

She nods, smiling at me and walks behind me to climb onto my back. I can't wait to kill the doppelgänger so I can get my life back. I want to live for the daughter I gave life to because seeing these kids makes me want to do everything in my power to make her happy.

When I stand to my feet the specters were ahead. I pushed the child up a little more and kept a tight grip so I can skip behind them. She giggled and I couldn't help but laugh with her.

"Stop." I heard Rena say as I reach them. She has her finger on her lip as she creeps.

I frown and hear the little girl whisper, "I think we've made it." I kneel back down and she climbs off my back.

I walk over to Rena and listen to the familiar voices of Hannah and the evil doppelgänger.

"Kill her Hannah or I'll kill you!" He roars and I clench my fist.

"He's talking about my mom." I whisper to Rena.

"She's not going to kill her." Rena snaps, "She wouldn't."

"I can't." I hear Hannah says. "They'll find me and kill me."

The doppelgänger laughs evilly, "no one will kill you other than me if you don't do as I say." I hear Hannah gasping for air now.

I close my eyes and put my hands together praying she doesn't do it.

Hannah coughs out something that I didn't catch. I soon hear a loud thud going to the ground. Walking was being heard before I heard my mom scream and that's when I ran into the room.

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