Twenty Five//Love&Fears.

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"How do we know you're not lying?" Harry roared eyes at blaze.

Liam stepped from behind Louis and walked over to Harry. He didn't flinch at all as Liam stood face to face with him.

"Harold Edward Styles," Liam spoke slowly, "I know more than you think."

Harry eyed flashed, "wow my full name that's all you got?" Harry questions, "Any devilish monster can guess the simple things of your life. Your birthday and all sorts. Name one thing someone doesn't know about me."

Liam laughed softly, "I know that you have a birthmark on your behind and it's shaped like a monkey. Your mom calls him Monk." Harry gasped and slapped his hand on his behind stunned and embarrassed that he knew such a thing.

I laughed picturing the birthmark on Harry rump. Then that picture got a little more graphic with a ladies hand sliding across it. I snapped from my daze and looked back at the two. Even though the embarrassment was still clear as a sunny day my troops set the furniture down when Harry wrapped his arms around Liam.

"You could've told them about the day I got piss drunk and puked all over Hannah's face," I hold in my laugh picturing the moment. "but nope you choose to speak on my arse." Harry joked and Liam laughed hugging him tighter.

"It's good to see the bona fide you." Harry says and I smiled.

"I'm happy to see you too, pal." He smiles, snuggling into Harry's neck, "so palpable."

"When did you get to see Harry's buttocks, just why?" Niall asked while his arms were wrapped around Lou's waist.

Liam looks at Niall, "that's classified." He says, "But when Harry's drunk he likes to piss anywhere."

As they disconnect from the embrace Liam looks at everyone around the room before saying, "Who's all these people?" I look back at my squad and smile.

"They're my soldiers." I smirk, crossing my arms.

He breathlessly laughed, "And who are you?" He asked, rising an eyebrow.

"I'm Emma."

"Hm, well nice to meet you." He politely says, "I'm Liam Payne."

"I know who you are," I quickly say, "if you don't mind me asking, but how did you two find us?" I do believe it's him but I'm a little skeptical. They've just magically found us and I'm supposed to let it slide? Well no, I need answers.

"Well, we've been down here for some time now. I found Louis roaming around sadly, shouting out for Niall," I looked over to Louis and Niall who were in a tight embrace, "after being miserable down here we tried knocking on doors and found out about the other specters being in these houses and the more specters we found the greater the news; that's how we found out about you and your little rebels. It was a long hard search but here we are. If it weren't for those lights on upstairs I wouldn't have found you." He smiles after completing his explanation.

I nod, "why didn't the other specters come?" I interrogated.

"Because they say this is a silly plan, they rather sit and watch you all die permanently. My doppelgänger is stronger than you think and you'll be a fool to think your silly ghost magic will save you from the wrath of hi--"

"Enough!" Harry shouted, coming to stand next to me, "there are kids in this room who expect to get out of here and see their families and move on to the light. You're doing nothing to help us."

"Harry, get a brain." He chuckled, "he killed us, and do you honestly think you can beat him?"

"Yes, with courage and faith."

"And pixie dust?" Liam laughs.

I glared, "you're such a pessimistic." I spit, "I'm sure when you were friends with them you weren't this hopeless."

"After being tortured for months and basically having your life stolen from a phony and your friends not noticing makes me this way. After being tortured, killed, them shredded to Limbo is what has me this way. I'm sorry I can't be that light bulb that makes everyone smile anymore. I've changed."

I stand there completely quiet with the rest of the room. I felt suffocated in the small quiet room and I'm sure Liam felt the same with all eyes on him and I. The water linking ever so slowly from his brown eyes.

"We get it, mate." Niall says, "but don't bring everyone else's hopes down because you're not feeling the same."

"Yeah." Someone behind me said.

"We're trying our best here." Harry said.

I walk away and go upstairs. I just can't bear being down there anymore. I'm not happy with the way Liam is trying to make everyone second guess themselves. What else could we possibly do? This place alone makes you want to do some harmful things. If only I were alive to do them.

I walk into the room where I didn't hear the little giggles of Felicia and Daisy. I sat on the bed and looked at the blank walls. Every house has a story they can't be explained. They may look the same but it's all different, with different fears and loves.

My deceased life has been an emotional roller-coaster. I went from having bad dreams, to hearing voices and I'm sure the doppelgänger had something to do with it all. Every day I feel like pieces of my life are missing. Things appear and go. I have fears and loves just as these houses. My fears are that I will never find my happiness and for my loves, well I don't know because I don't know that feeling yet.

"Are you okay?" I hear a raspy voice ask and I look up quickly spotting Harry. I didn't hear the door open.

I smile weakly, "Yes. Just a little pissed off." I say, huffing.

Harry sighs, "He's sorry." He says, coming to sit next to me, "he's been through a lot and he's hurting."

I nod, "I know but that doesn't give him the right to be a jerk." I spoke.

"You're right, but I don't care because I'll be with your plan one hundred percent no matter what happens."

I look at Harry and smile. He's the sweetest person ever and I couldn't be more grateful for his presence and his kindness throughout this whole ordeal. He seems to make everything better by hiding his emotions and acknowledging others. I admire him for it.

"What are your fears and loves?" I asked randomly and Harry frowned confused but he steadily opened his mouth to respond.

"Hmm...My loves were to be happy and loved by someone just as amazing as me." He chuckles, "my fears were dying, and being hurt and losing someone I love."

"Oh, I'm sorry that all your fears came forward before your loves did."

"Me too, Em." He whispered. "Me too."

I lay down on the bed and Harry lies next me and I close my eyes, hoping my dreams are better than my realities.

Hello everyone. Sorry for this ass sucking chapter. Thank you for your reads and vote, love you.

Laugh of the day;

The best way to communicate with a fish is to drop them a line!

Omggggg! Lmaaoooo!

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