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I walked through the bright room. It was quiet, peaceful at the most. I just walked in a straight line. I didn't make a turn at all. My footsteps were quiet with no echoes. I looked around the room I thought someone or something met you at the end but nothing was there for me.

I started to panic and ran. I took turns as I ran. I could be going in circles but I would never know.

"Uff." I grunted, falling to the floor. I gather myself up quickly and felt in front of me. I ran into the wall.

I frowned and turned around confused; I looked around the plain room and saw nothing. I quickly spun back around and patted the wall, keeping myself calm from screaming for help.

I was hitting the wall when something hard jabbed me in the hand. I winced in pain but didn't fail to punch in the same area. I felt at the invisible stick. I felt at its length and width. I felt the difference and the familiarity of it and realized it was a leaver. I pulled the leaver up and down numerous of times but nothing worked. I sighed in frustration and started to yank and pull in all sorts of different directions. Something's got to give.

I looked to my left when I heard something click. Soon a passage door was being open and I walked over, pushing it further. I frown when I stepped into my destination. The door was some kind of portal. This is not what I've expected. I thought I could be gone over to the other side. I examine the place I've been led to. It was a dump sort of like the other house. Trash all over the place with a few clothes scattered about. I walked around inhaling the stench. I could faint right now, I cannot put the smell into place but it's horrible.

It was a small apartment with plain white walls. Just down the hall you can see the bathroom and two doors sat on the side. There was no furniture- there wasn't anything if I was being honest.

I walked down the narrow hall and went into the first room on the right. The bed was sheet-less and it had a mini television sitting in the corner of the room. The little closet on the side of the bed was burst open and a little light gleamed from it. I walked over and looked inside to see nothing but a shirt. I grabbed it and saw The Rolling Stones boldly placed on it. I dropped the shirt back down and walked out the room.

The stench I smelled was getting closer and worse. It made my stomach churn with discomfort. I walked over to the door across the hall. I twisted the knob and yanked the door open. I jumped back quickly when the horrific smell hit my nostrils and mouth. I gagged, covering my mouth and looked up.

Oh my God.

What and who I say lying before me scared the crap out of me. It hurt me in so many ways imaginable. I might not know the two boys personally but just from them coming over enough allowed me to get to know them. Their sass and friendship was the sweetest I've seen. To see them spread out on the bed, shirts off and blood clashed everywhere made me shed tears.

The smell of their rotten bodies hurt my nostrils badly. How long have they been here? I remember them saying they were homeless. I let them sleep in my room for days and didn't bother to run them off. I'm sorry that this was their only option. I'm sorry someone had to murder them. I wish I can cover them or at least tell the police but I'm useless.

I kneeled beside their bed and let my emotions take over. The emotions I've been keeping bundled up inside me since my death. I let all the pain drool from my body as I cried for their souls. It's cruel. They didn't deserve this.

I sat in Louis's and Niall's room quietly bearing with the odor for what seemed like hours. I didn't want to leave them here alone. I flinched when I heard a loud noise coming from outside the room. I stood to my feet and walked out the room.

I walked down to the open bathroom. I hear loud rummaging and rough mumbles. They sounded irritated and tired. I kept walking until I was standing by the door. I peeked my head around seeing someone wearing all black from head to toe.

I watched as the person scrubbed at the clothes they wore. Blood slithered down the drain, running from the dis-owner. This is the killer. I can't see the face just yet but from the grunting I know it's a man.

My body shook as he stood tall. He grabbed all his killing tools and placed them in the duffle bag. When he gets ready to turn around I jump back stupidly. Fucking hell, why did I jump? I'm invisible. I'm dead.

I peeked back into the bathroom but his body was turned around again. I rolled my eyes and sighed lightly.

"Emma..." I heard someone whisper. I turned around, looking down the empty hall.

"Emma, come to us." I frowned, listening to the familiar voice, "if you can hear us come to us."

I looked down and saw my hands fading. I'm being summoned by the living. I can't fight the feeling. They're dragging me away with every call. It's the men Hannah called to kill me off.

"Shut up." I roared. And just like the man head snapped around. He can see me.

He started to charge over and I backed away quickly. My body was fading slowly. I am begging to fade away faster.

"You're going to die either way." Someone whispered to me.

"Why did you kill them?" I whispered. "They were your friends."

He chuckled. "The devil doesn't have friends." He wickedly smiled and before he can reach me I vanished from his presence.


This is so short but idc... because I missed you all and I haven't updated in so long!

Thanks to every comment and vote. I looove you guys so much. Thanks to the ones who are still with me even though I've taken so long to update. Thank you for being patient with me. Writers block and school have been kicking my ass. I'm trying to make these chapters good for you all. I don't want to disappoint any of you. Oh and thanks everyone who followed me on Instagram. I hope you like the story edits. If you'll like to follow me it's @umfizzle

My personal Twitter is; jernekaaa

I'm on twitter way more than Instagram. Lol (:

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