Thirty// Hell.

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I rise from the ground feeling a little light headed. I see my mom and Rena calmly watching me as I stand to my feet. I look around when I'm on my feet and see that I'm back in limbo. I clutch my non beating chest before looking at them.

"Are you alright, Em?" Rena asked, walking over to me.

I smile and nod, "I just don't know how I feel about being back here." I admit, "I miss my friends and I don't know if I'll ever find them down here again."

Rena smiles like she has a plan, extending her hand towards mine, "grab my hand and I'll show you a trick we witches have." She says and I hesitated before putting my hand in hers.

"Close your eyes." She says and I do as told. "Now chant see what hasn't been shown."

I nod, "see what hasn't been shown," I say, "see what hasn't been shown." I repeat the words until figures came into place.

I see Liam, Niall, Daisy and the others. They're walking in Limbo. They look so sad and alone. They look so tried and worried. I wish I can touch them and hug them. They're searching for someone.

"Harry!" Niall yells, "Emma!"

They're looking for me. I gasp and come back into reality. I looked over to Rena who's smiling at me.

"They are looking for me!" I say, feeling the tears build. "I need to find them!"

Rena grabbed my mom hand then mines. I didn't grab hers back as I stared at her confused.

"Clutch her hand, Em." My mom demands and I obliged. "Now close your eyes and think about your friends."

I close my eyes and think about everyone I miss so much. Even though I'm here with my mom who I love dearly I can't help but want to be dead with them. They have been here feeling every ounce of pain I feel. I feel pain everyday, but I rather feel it with them than anyone else.

"Emma..." I heard a familiar accent speak and I open my eyes, seeing Niall.

I looked at my mom and Rena, smiling. I let the tears release from my eyes and run to Niall wrapping my arms around him. He wrapped he arms around me and lifted me off the ground a little.

"We've been looking everywhere for you." He states and I can hear the pain in his voice. "They took Harry."

I remove myself from the hug and look at Niall, "The boy with the special heart?" I asked.

Niall looked at me confused, "Harry's the lad with the good hair and he really likes you, and you two had some amazing chemistry." He tells me.

"I don't know him in that way, I know him as the kid with the heart." I tell him.

"What are you talking about," he questions me, "are you okay, Emma?"

"I'm fine," I smile, "I just know that the doppelgänger needs the boy heart."

"For what," he snaps, "it's a fucking wrinkled, dead heart!"

I jump back at his harshness, "Hannah's a witch and I don't know," I stutter, "Stop yelling at me."

I feel a hand around my shoulder and I'm being pulled towards my mother's body.

"Leave her alone," my mom demands, "we'll get Harry from the doppelgänger, but we need all of your help. Right now, Emma doesn't have her memory but by the end of this war she will."

"Well, if you know how to get to hell, then by all means lead the way," Niall orders my mom.

"I do and I will." She snaps, "Grab each other hand and make a circle."

A big circle was formed and my mom commanded us to close our eyes. She chanted a few words and told us chant with her. That's all we had to do before we felt the heat eating at our skin.


Something small. Trying to make up for the time I've been missing. I might update later today or tomorrow i don't know yet. ❤️

Where do broken hearts?

Got a taste of your lips on my tongue.


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