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"Why?" The boy with the brown patch inquires uninterested.

All the boys sat in a circle like little teen girls. Eating junk but instead of talking about boys and gossiping they are listening to Harry's jokes. And we're about to find out why the elephant crossed the road.

"Because the chicken retired!" Harry chortled but the others boys' looked at him deadpan, shaking their heads. That was definitely the lamest joke ever.

"Stick to your day job, Harry." The boy with the brown long hair sassed and I snickered.

"You broke my heart Louis I really wanted to be a comedian." He uttered defeated. Louis shrugged and swiped his long hair from over his eyes.

"Where are those goofy headbands you wear? I can really use one." Louis remarked and Harry snatches the one off his head throwing it to Louis.

Harry's curly hair fell everywhere. He looks like a Greek God. Zeus, that's the God he looks like, with his hair silky, curly, and lengthy. His long fingers slide though his hair, trying to push it back but it falls right back in place.

"They're bandanas and they are not goofy. They are very expensive and highly fashionable," Harry smiles from ear to ear and the boys' started to laugh.

"Best joke ever, Harold." The one with the chubby features and facial hair tease. "Fashionable." He pfft.

"You guys' are so mean." The blonde piped up, knitting his eyebrows together. "Leave Harry alone he has a good sense of humor."

"Thank you, Niall." Harry chirped. "Liam's mad because Sophia laughs at everything I say." Harry smirks and Liam glares at him.

"Speaking of the females, what happened to Hannah?" Niall enquire.

Ugh, that name. It sends chills down my spine.

"I have no idea actually." Harry sighs, thinking back on the day. "We just had a huge argument because all her Chanel went missing and I don't know why, when she went upstairs I heard her scream. She said the bed shook and glass was on the floor..." Harry words trailed off and he shook his head.

"Paranormal activity?" The guy with the brown patch asked.

"I've been saying maybe it could be that but I'm hoping to God it isn't, Zayn." Harry responded. Well maybe he should pray to God?

"That'll be so cool." Niall gushed. "Has anything weird happened to you lately?"

"Nah, everything has been fine." He shrugs. "Life's good without Hannah agonizing hollering." He's so right; I've been way calmer since she has left my presence.

"We should do ouija!" Liam enthused.

"No, I do-" Harry started but was cut off by Louis encouraging them on by saying, "yeah, c'mon."

"I don't have an ouija board." Harry snapped at them and Niall chuckled.

"Whoa there big boy." Zayn put his hands up in a form of surrender, making Harry roll his eyes. He looks very irritated.

"I have to take a wee," Niall say, placing his drink down to the ground.

If they want a ghost show then a ghost show they shall get. I smirk and push the chair over to the doorway, making no sound as they continue to vex Harry. I moved the lamp on the chair gently and I sit back ready for the mayhem to starts when Niall decided to take a wee.

"I'll be back." He informed everyone, standing from the group. When he turned around to walk over the threshold he stops directly in his tracks.

"Mate..." His words trailed off and his body slowly turned around. I smiled in satisfaction as all the color drained his visage.

"How did that get there?" Zayn muddily questioned the batch of boys', sitting on the floor.

"This is some kind of joke, right?" Liam breathlessly laughs. "I was only kidding, I don't believe in ghost. Niall moved that himself." That's so dull-witted of him to believe.

Niall looked over to Liam flabbergasted and furious. "How can I move a chair without you guys noticing? I just got up to wee and you're blaming me for something I didn't do." Niall roared, his eyes turning red.

Louis sighed irritated, "Now he's going to cry, c'mere babe." Louis extended his arms for Niall and he swiftly went on the floor into his arms.

I raised an eyebrow confused on the gesture. Not too long ago Louis was talking about girls' with the others now he's hugging a guy like they are dating. When I look over to the other boys' they look perplexed also.

Louis cleared his throat, grabbing our attention. "I-we have something to tell you guys." He corrected himself. "We were planning on the right moment but I guess this is good enough." He shrugged.

There was a long pause before Niall spoke up. "We're together." Niall muttered but it was all so very clear.

Everything was noiseless but that came to a halt when two lamps crashed and I snapped my head in the direction. I gasped when I seen Hannah but it wasn't the same Hannah that left. Her odious aroma loud to my senses. Her eyes like wine and lips imperfectly cracked.

"Where's she," Her voice roared and all I can wonder was...who is she?


omg so i said the funniest thing ever.

before i say what happened ima explain a word to y'all that y'all might or might not use 'blowing me' not with my mouth either (just had to put that out there) 😂

'blowing me' means; getting on my nerves.

ok so here is the pun.

my cousin; my nose blowing me.

me; & you blowing it.


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