Twenty//Open Sesame.

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Niall decided to be with me which I'm glad for because I don't want to be alone. He follows me every step of the way. My feet ached for rest but I wasn't giving up. I didn't want to sit down I want to get out of here soon as possible.

"Can we please rest, Emma?" Niall whined, slacking behind a bit.

"No!" I snapped, "No wonder it took you two months, you rest way too much!"

Niall bit his bottom lip, making me feel bad. "I'm just really tired." He says, continuing to walk behind me.

"I'm sorry, Ni." I apologized. "I'm just irritated and scared. I don't know what to do." I let tears fall from my eyes but quickly wipe them for Niall wouldn't see.

"You can cry, Em." Niall coos. "It's okay, I understand, but we'll make it out. It's alright to snap long as we stick together." He walked over and gave me the tightest hug ever.

I gasped when I felt his ice cold skin. This is the first skin connect I've had in a long time. This is what I've yearned for since I died. I think that's what made me most angry, seeing couples in my house being in love. Seeing couples hugging and just being there for each other made me hate everything about the living. They could do things I'll never be able to and they complain more than anything. They should be grateful because being dead isn't easy.

"C'mon, pull yourself together, Emma." Niall says, and I nod my head, sniffing. "We have a long journey." Niall unwrapped his arms, and stepped back, placing them on my shoulders as he looked at me.

"Okay, I think I'm done." I say, wiping my tears. "Let's go." Niall nodded and followed behind me as we walked the empty street of the unfinished.


"What exactly are you going to do when we find our way out?" Niall suddenly ask and I stopped walking, turning to his pale face.

"Surely, I've thought you'll come up with something." I spoke. I absolutely did think Niall will come up with this awesome plan. But Niall has come up with nothing and he's as lost as I am.

"No, the only thing I hope for is to find my Lou." He spoke with grief and truth is his eyes, "I just want to be happily dead with him."

"I thought payback would be part of one of the major plans or something, though." I say astound. Why is he giving up so easily? Is he frightened? This couldn't get any worse, we're already dead. We can't be killed again.

"I did but Liam is dealing with demons that an exorcist couldn't importune." he shrugged, "I rather not deal with it."

I gawk at Niall, "not deal with it? He killed you and your lover! He surely is going to kill some more. We need to stop him, please help me stop him!" I implore.

"How can a feeble ghost such as I help one such as you? You have way more power than I do!" he declared.

I raised an eyebrow, "And what makes you think that?" I folded my arms across my chest awaiting his answer.

Yes, surely I have more power than probably any recent ghost, but I don't have more than the devil himself. I will need all the ghost power I can find and Niall's the only ghost I have... for now.

"You've done some weird shit when we slept by Harry..." He argues and I roll my eyes, knowing he's talking about that day Hannah got possessed.

"That wasn't my doing, although I wish it were." I tug a smile.

"Well, who was it?" He asked.

"I have no idea. I know I got attacked by it and it was stronger than me." I admit.

"What was it?"

"It was a shadow from the underworld," I spoke, "knowing Liam is the devil I believe he summoned it. But knowing Hannah is evil as well she could've done it, too."

"Why do you suggest Hannah is evil?"

"Because she's a bitch and all bitches are evil." I argued.

"But I heard you were a bitch to Harry." He shot back. "So that makes you a bitch also."

"No, I was being a bitch to the bitch which makes me a good bitch."

"But I thought all bitches were evil?" Niall questioned.

"Are we really going to bicker about this all day, Niall?" I huffed.

"Ha, I win this war of words." He smirked and I couldn't help but giggle.

"Well, I'm happy this war of word is over."


Walking became a bore and the darkness seemed to be all we knew. We walked forward for hours, no turns to come. The smiles we carried with us was lost down the road. I dragged onside Niall as we walked on our sore feet. He didn't beg for rest and I didn't stop for one.

"What are we doing?" Niall asked tiredly.

I know what he meant. He wanted to know why we are walking like this. Why are we even trying when we've lost hope a while back? But I answered him simply.

"We're walking."

"You know what I mean!" He snapped.

"No I don't!" I shot back. "We're walking, trying to find a way out."

"Way out?" He dryly laughed. "We're never going to find that!"

"Okay," I sigh, giving up. "We've been arguing since we've started this journey and it's only been a couple of hours."

"Right, but we have to do something other than walk in a straight line."

"Fine!" I shout, rolling my eyes, "We'll check the doors."

He made some kind of noise with his throat before saying, "I've tried that."

"Well, I haven't!" I stormed off up the stairs, hearing Niall mutter something behind me.

Hours later, I've rattled every door I've come to and none would open. Niall walked in the street what an I-told-you-so face that anger me and made me even more determined to opening these doors. Not every door in here is locked, trust me. I'll prove blond wrong.

"Can you give up?"

"No!" I hissed, "I bet this door open." I rattled the door but I didn't budge. I rolled my eyes, mumbling a curse word, and kicked the door.

"I told you!" Niall shout, snickering. I turned to him glaring.

"Shut up, you'll see!"

"Yeah well, when that door open then I'll-" Niall stopped talking, looking at something behind me.

I turned around slowly and smiled brightly. "What was that you'll do, Niall?" I shouted still looking at the open door.

"I'll hate you, forever." He said and I snorted, stepping towards the door. "Hey, wait for me." Niall shouts and I soon hear his footsteps behind me.


I have a big surprise... ;D

Until then, tell me what you think...& here's a pun...

Watermelon; Let's run away and get married!

Cantaloupe; I'm sorry, but I CANT-A-LOUPE


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