Fourteen//Sight Seeing.

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I wake up still on the floor. The house dark and my body pained. Oh god, they must've stepped all over me when I blacked out. That girl and those screams. I have to tell Harry to go because I'll feel bad if anything happens to a person like him.

I climb off the floor, wincing at the sharp pain that's still coursing through my body. I look around and kept my ears open but everything was quiet. I walked in the living room, nobody. I walked upstairs and went into Harry's and Hannah's room, nobody. Then, I went into the study room and seen Harry reading a book, glasses on his face. I didn't use intangibility so Harry looks because of the creaking noise and I snap my fingers.

"Hi." I smile, walking over to sit in the chair opposite of him.

He puts the book down and takes his glasses off, "I've been looking for you for over an hour." He states, looking at me worriedly creases in his forehead.

"I went to sleep," I say, "I have something to tell you." Better now then after he dies or so the girl says.

He nods, "well, tell me." He sits back and watches me carefully.

"Well, this may sound weird but you and Hannah have to leave. Something really bad is about to happen and I need you both to go." I warn and Harry sits up, looking confused.

"How do you know this?" Harry asks.

"I just know," I snap. "Believe me when I say this is no joke and if you don't go you'll regret it."

He smiles, "I have no regrets." I roll my eyes. This little dork thinks this is a joke. "Let's not talk about this how about you watch something with me-it might come with a great amount of help with your powers and all."

I ignored everything he just said. "Please just leave this place." I beg, "And soon, please Harry."

He sighs and shakes his head, "Money doesn't grow on trees this house was over a million dollars."

My eyes widen and I looked at him confused. Is he serious right now? It wasn't that much when I bought it.

"Why!?" I yell in total astonishment.

"Because it wasn't on the market, they were going to knock it down but I had to find a way to get it." He says, "Hannah begged me to buy it so I did."

Knocked down? I never knew this and I've been here longer. What would've happened to me if they knocked this house down? Would I be free? Would I be in he-

"I'll be fine." He smiles, cutting my thoughts off. "Now let's go watch television."

I nod and we both stand from our seat. I follow behind Harry when he walks out the door. When we made it downstairs he grabbed a disk that I haven't notice off the table filled with artificial flowers and a portrait of him and Hannah smiling. They actually look like a happy couple but this couple isn't happy at all.

"Where is Hannah?" I question as he walks over to the DVD player and I walk to the couch, sitting down.

"She was here earlier but she left again." He shrugs disappointment in his voice as he bends down to open the DVD player.

"Do you miss her?" I ask as he places the disk on the DVD slide and closes it.

"Sometimes, but then I think about the arguing we might be doing right now and I don't want her here. But it's not fun being alone, you know?"

I nod, "that's what being a ghost is all about." I say lowly but he hears it.

He stands to his feet and looks at me sadly, "I'm sorry I shouldn't be talking about these sorts of things with you because you have been through way more." He says, sitting down grabbing the remote.

"No, it's fine we all have problems." I say, "Mines are no bigger than yours." Harry smiles and fast forward the previews.

"What are we watching?"

"Being human." He smiles, "it's a show but I went bought it on DVD so you can see what ghost do with their powers."

"Well, isn't that sweet." I laugh and he presses play, looking at me with a smirk. We soon settle down and I sit back and keep my eyes fixed on the television and so does he.


By midnight Harry was sleeping and I was attuned to the show. My eyes haven't left the television once until that moment I heard snoring from the left of me. But that doesn't matter because I've learned some pretty cool things. We are on the episode when Sally found out she can go other places outside the house.

I can do most of the things she can do so I know if I just think of a place I want to go I can get there. I don't have a ghost friend to help me with this but I'm stronger by myself. I stand from my seat and close my eyes; I breathe in and breathe out, relaxing myself. I think about fresh outdoor air, somewhere a breeze blows and kids run freely. Somewhere everyone is happy all the time.

I felt no movement but I do feel the breeze as I stand there motionless. My hair flies to the side and I open my eyes. I was at a park, swing sets and slides. I'm really outside the house. I run around and laugh, and scream because I've been trapped for so long. I've been in that prison drowning in my own misery, feeling sympathy for myself. But this is a whole new dead and I love it more than anything.

I sit on the slide and look at the moon with its little stars surrounding it, lighting up the world. The sky charcoal but everything felt so bright right now. I smile and let several tears slide down my cheeks. I might be dead but this better than being inside listening to Harry and Hannah argue and have sex. It's better than sleeping all-day also.

I breathe in the fresh air once more before thinking of my room. My black, untamed room. I appeared in it just like that. I do a little pelvis thrust and throw my hands in the air, joy inside my soul. I stop dancing and go to the stairs walking down but I stop on the last step when I saw Harry on the phone.

"Why aren't you here, Hannah?" His raspy voice a whisper, but anger still clear as day.

"I don't care; you've been gone too long and you need to be home."

"Fine!" He hollers before throwing the phone on the floor. I flinch as he stands from his seat and he turns, seeing me standing on the steps. "Did you hear all that?"

"Just a little." I nod and he sighs, sitting back down.

"I don't think I can do this anymore." He says, shaking his head.

"It'll be okay Harry you are a strong boy." I walk over and sit next to him. I place my hand next to his, trying to give as much comfort as possible.

"No, you don't understand my whole life is a lie. I don't like Hannah. My father forced me into this and I always try to like her but it gets harder every day, it's like she wants me to leave."

"I wish I can hug you because that's what you need." I say and he smiles.

"We both need a hug, Em." He says and I nod but smile also at the pet name he has given me.

"We can always air hug..." I joke and I see Harry smiling from my side view but it soon turns into a laugh. I look at him and laugh along. It's weird that he makes me smile and laugh this much.

"I would like air hugging." He says after we calm down. I roll my eyes and he smirks at me and we both lean in the air hair.

"Please don't hurt me." I plead.

"Never." He says and I sigh, feeling much more relaxed. I close my eyes wishing I could have real human connect with him.


So Hannah will either be Regina George(mean Girls) or Amanda Seyfired. You all can choose out of the two. Let me know.

What did you think of this chappy?

I finished two chapters yesterday and somehow this morning it got deleted from my notes I want to cry tears of blood but I'll manage. I hope you guys can wait for updates. It won't take too long promise. School is just a drag and I can only do things at certain times.

Anywho next chapter will be lol!!!

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