Recap: the Lost treasure (Prologue)

Start from the beginning

The other crewmen noticed it as well as I did.
"What's that?" Sammy said.

"I don't know, but let's check it out."

Four people jumped off the boat to see what it was. They swam down the ocean about twenty feet below.

I waited and waited.

Then the men resurfaced.

"ITS A SHIPWRECK FULL OF TREASURE!" my assistant said.

I was thrown off a little bit, because I had just found something precious.

"How old is the ship down there?" I said.

"It seems to be only a hundred years old!" my assistant said. The others nodded. I gapped in shock. I had found some treasure, but what could it be? 

"Get as much treasure as you can then!" I said.

We were pretty far away from the Boston harbor, so the British couldn't see us.

More men started to get bags and jumped into the ocean. I wondered what kind of treasure it was.

We kept on taking treasure from the shipwreck. It turned out the treasure was from an old Spanish ship that was sailing through the place. I don't know why the Spanish were sailing through these seas in the 1600s, but hey, we got loot.

We soon got butt tons of loot. We tried to keep as much as we could. We got about 3/4th of the treasure but had to leave some behind. The treasure was full of gems, jewels, coins, and more. We all stored it in the secret room where I was. The treasure amount was so big that it couldn't fit the room.

Our men looked at the treasure, and I felt greediness in them. For about a second, I thought we were pirates.

But I wasn't greedy about this at all.

"We should keep the treasure!" Sammy said, eyes filled with happiness.

But I shoved that all away by saying a simple word: "No."
Sammy gagged on the rain. "WHAT?"
The other sailors complained.

"This is all for nothing! we have to keep them!" 
"I got the most treasure so that I can keep a lot of it!"

Then it broke into an argument. People were speaking to each other's throats.

I yelled to stop, but the argument kept on coming closer. 

"JUST SHUT THE HECK UP!" I yelled as loud as I could. The argument stopped.

"The reason why we can't keep this is because of the British," I said calmly.

Sammy cursed.

"Then we got here for nothing!" one of the sailors said.
"If we sell these things for money, then the parliament will be interested in it and take it away from us!" I said matter-of-factly. The sailors looked at me dumbly.

"OHHHHH YEAHHHH," They said simultaneously.
I facepalmed.

"But what are we gonna do with the treasure then?" Sammy said.

"Were gonna hide it," I said. 

"So, we're gonna have to hide this when we found it?" Sammy said, annoyed.

"The British will find it," I said.

Then, I heard water swooshing and the bells of another ship.

I looked outside of my secret window. There was another ship. I looked at the mast. It was a British flag.

"Get the heck out of here," I said.

The secret compartment also had another secret if one of the entrances gets blocked, so we used the alternative way by using a ladder to a trap door that led to the steering wheel of the ship, which was inside. We then covered the trapdoor with a little carpet.

The British then came and saw us by the windows>
"What are you doing here?" one of the men shouted.

"There was a boulder in the rocks, causing a leak at the port!" Sammy shouted. "And we had to move towards another port but got caught by the winds!"

The British nodded, then sailed towards the port.

"I told you they have their eyes everywhere," I said.

The other men started to sob softly. They were never going to see their fortune again, including me.

"Where do we hide it?" Sammy said between his sobs.

"Somewhere, the British will never notice, and we'll make clues too."
"And that is?"

"In the country and around the world."

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