Chapter Twenty-two: Do You Believe Her?

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Chapter Twenty-two: Do You Believe Her?

I pulled into the drive, marvelling at the sheer beauty of the house at night. The lights were on, lighting up the whole house. I got out of the car, not stopping for Gale; he had already left. He didn’t like to stay long when he visited. It was mainly to check up on me, or to spend time with me. He would always bring back gifts, usually for the whole family. Alice of course loved this; he always brought her clothes from different countries. Some would have tribal prints on, others tight but cute.

I walked into the house, first being greeted by Jasper. He wore a worried look, reading my emotions, trying to piece together what had happened. If only you were like Edward, I thought, you could read my mind without me having to explain.

“Is everything alright?” he asked, lightly touching my arm in a soothing way. Even though we were brother and sister, he was more like a much older brother to me. He always wanted to know how I was feeling, and how he could make it better. I sometimes considered if he had also brought over compassion, much like Carlisle.

I sighed, even though I wasn’t tired. “Fine,” I whispered, but he seemed to not believe me.

Alice flounced down the stairs wearing an emerald green silk top and black skinny jeans. She wrapped an arm around Jasper, who smiled at her. The whole in my heart ached for Seth’s arm around me, but I knew that I would never get it.

“You don’t look fine,” Alice observed, hearing the beginning of our conversation.

“It was a mess,” I sighed again, walking to the lounge and sitting on one of the sofas. Jasper and Alice joined me. “Apparently Leah hadn’t told Sue we were coming,” I whispered. “Gale told her that he was what caused Seth’s death,” I flinched again, regretting every time I said it. “I protested, as I always do, and it just went downhill from there. Sue got very emotional, saying that I had killed Seth, and when Edward brought her his body, it was because I couldn’t face them after killing him,” I shuddered, remembering the ice in Sue’s voice.

Jasper and Alice looked at each other, both wearing sad expressions.

“That bitch,” Alice finally said, “She shouldn’t speak to you like that, especially as she knows that you really love him.”

“El,” A voice said from behind me, and we all turned to see Carlisle leaning against the wall. I was so caught up in my emotions, I hadn’t heard him come downstairs. “Surely you know she doesn’t mean it?” he said, his soft blonde eyebrows pulling together in concern. Jasper and Alice stood, looking at us.

“We’ll leave you two to your father-daughter talk,” Alice said with a small smile, and left the room with Jasper.

Carlisle laughed, looking down at the floor. He shifted his weight from either foot, a human habit he had taught himself. He stepped forward, taking a seat next to me.

“She has just lost her only son, and then been told by a vampire that it was his entire fault,” Carlisle went on, and Esme entered the room, taking her place beside Carlisle, wrapping her slender arms around one of his muscular arms.

“She was depressed and upset. She’s never lost her cool before, so she was probably bottling up her feelings too,” Esme said. “Sue just needs time to think things through. Perhaps she will realise her wrong doing, and try to correct it.”

I nodded. “Even when Jacob and Leah stepped in, she still seemed to think that I had killed Seth. She also called us monsters.” I said, looking down at my hands. They were pale, nearly as white as snow.

“And do you believe her?” Carlisle said, his voice soft. It made me want to curl into a ball, in his and Esme’s embrace. Esme leaned over Carlisle to stroke my cheek. The two of them were so good at calming me down; it was as if they had known me my whole life.

I took a deep breath. “I do.” 

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