Chapter Seven: Volterra

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The next morning we received a letter in the post. It was a single piece of cream card, which had in curly letters written on it. It said, “I have been told that there is a new Cullen. I am looking forward to meeting them, Aro.”

“Who is Aro?” I whispered as Carlisle read it.

“He is one of the three leaders of the Volturi, the dominant coven of the vampire world,” he answered, handing the letter back to me.

“Why would he want to meet El?” Seth asked from the other side of the room. He and Jacob had come over earlier to meet Renesmee, and now were both slumped on one of the cream sofas.

“The Volturi like to familiarize themselves with the vampires in the world,” Carlisle said.

“Should I go?” I asked.

“Yes,” he said. “But someone will need to go with you. Italy can be very busy, and very… alluring.”

“I will,” Seth offered. Everyone looked at him. “What?” He demanded. “Why not? If it is sunny, then I will not shine.”

“That was very quick, Seth. Thank you for your offer. But how will you get in?” Carlisle asked.

“I will be fine once I’m inside, won’t I? There won’t be any humans in sight.” I whispered. Carlisle nodded in agreement.

“Is that okay with you, Seth? To take the responsibility of keeping Elora under control, and out of sight?” he asked Seth.

Seth nodded. “I will protect her with my life.”

“That won’t be too long, if you hang around with her,” Jacob mumbled.

What was his problem with me? I hissed at him.

“Seth, we’re here,” I shook Seth gently, and I could see my cold hand make goose bumps on his arm. The plane had just landed, and I could hear the yawns of people around me. “Seth,” I whispered again, shaking him harder. This time he jerked awake, looking as if he would bite my head off. He looked around for a second, before relaxing.

“Already?” He asked as he yawned, still in a daze.

The streets of Volterra were busy with people and the sun was beating down. It couldn’t be worse. Seth took hold of my arm as if to hold me back. He guided me through the busy streets, some darker than others. Every so often, he would look at me and pull the hood of the jacket I was wearing higher over my face. I couldn’t let myself be exposed. If I did, my body would shine like a thousand diamonds on my skin, and although it sounded nice, it wouldn’t look normal to humans.

“I think… it’s over here,” Seth said, glancing between two different paths. He sniffed. “Yep, smells more like vampires over here,” He turned right and carried on walking, still gripping me. Suddenly he stopped and gripped me harder. “Don’t breathe,” he whispered.

Two men jumped down from the roof of one of the buildings surrounding us, each one blocking the means of escape. My stomach turned in fear, but I realized what I now was. I could do anything.

“Don’t attack. Not yet.” Seth warned me.

“What do we have here?” The first man said in a strong Italian accent. The second man sniggered. “A couple on their honeymoon?” He grinned at me and Seth.

“What do you want?” Seth said through clenched teeth.

“We’ll leave you alone if you give us her,” the other man said, looking at me. “What a bellezza,” he sighed. I knew enough Italian to know what he was calling me. I glared at him. “Feisty too,” he added.

Earthshine (Twilight Fan Fiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora