Chapter Sixteen: High School

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I ran through the forest, keeping my hand on my mobile phone. If anything went wrong, I was to call them. We had to be careful and not do anything reckless.

I ran through the clearing, to the cliff edge. I suspected that Seth would be here when the weather was grey and blowing, just like today. It was the werewolves’ idea of fun. Cliff diving.

I saw Seth, jumping up and down to keep warm. He was with Jacob, Quil and Embry. I just saw Jared as he jumped off the edge, and I heard him howl with laugher, and then a splash as he entered the water. Boys shall forever be boys, I thought to myself.

The wind change direction, and my smell wafted over to the werewolves. All their heads snapped up and turned towards me. I put my hands in my pockets, and walked through the clearing.

Out of practice, I bowed my head.

Jacob snickered. “Someone’s taught you manners,” he said mockingly. I held back my growl, and kept looking down. Seth hit Jacob in the arm before walking over to me. He tilted my head up with his thumb and index finger, and looked into my crimson eyes.

“What has he done to you?” he whispered, and I tilted my head back down. I knew that I didn’t have to do any of this, but I felt like someone would strike me with pain if I didn’t.

“I’m fine,” I whispered.

“No, you’re not,” Seth said, lifting my head up again. He frowned at me. “You are not you anymore. Just smile.”  

I smiled. He shook his head. “What has he done to you?” he said again.

I rolled my eyes, and stood on tiptoes to kiss him. I instantly let go of all my emotions when our lips met. I felt all my pain and suffering leave me, and I wrapped my arms around Seth. He drew away, leaning his forehead against mine.

“That’s better,” he sighed.

“Ew,” Embry commented, and I remembered that the other boys were still here. I linked my hand in Seth’s. It had been so long.

“I’m going,” Quil said, and dived off the cliff. He howled as he flew down to the water.

“I bet you’ve done nothing like this,” Jacob said to me, grinning.

“I haven’t. But who says I can’t try?” I whispered, smiling sweetly at him. Embry laughed. I took off my jumper, that had my phone in.

As graceful as I could, I danced over to the edge of the cliff and somersaulted off. The wind flew past my ears, and I heard Seth and Embry laugh at my skill. I pointed my hands forward to the sea. I shot into the water, only making a small splash. The water was warm compared to my skin, even on this cold day. I shot down and down into the water, to the point when it became very dark. I remembered how Carlisle had told me that he had swam to France without coming up for a breath. If he could swim that far, I could swim this far. The sea floor came into my view and I watched my clothes float around me. I was soon close enough to reach out and touch the soft sand at the bottom, and I scooped up a handful. It ran through my fingers and settled on the floor as if it had never been touched.

I pushed off the sea floor, and shot up to the surface like a bullet. It took a few minutes as I was so far down. As it became lighter and lighter, I breathed out, and watched the bubbles float to the surface. I broke through the water, and sound erupted from everywhere. It was so quiet underwater, but up on the surface, I could hear everything. I saw Seth’s face peer over the edge of the cliff, and he grinned at me.

“She made it!” he laughed, and I heard Jacob grit his teeth together. He jumped off the edge, and I swam out of the way from him. He cannonballed into the water, spraying me. I swam to the beach, with Jacob close behind.

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