Chapter Eight: The Volturi

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“Please, show me,” Aro said, gesturing towards the metal plate the receptionist had given me. I focused my mind on the metal plate, and I heard him draw in a breath as it melted into a puddle. I refocused my mind, and it took the shape of a dagger. I reached out my hand towards it, and it flew into my hand. As it hit my hand, I made it take the shape of the plate again. I was careful to get the detailed lace patterns around the edge, and it turned out perfect.

Aro grinned and applauded. “Amazing,” he sighed. “But, is it hard enough to cut a vampire?” he asked, and stood up from the throne he was sat at. Instantly he was by my side, and he rolled up the sleeve of his black cloak. “Go on,” he urged, and I pressed the metal plate into his arm. His arm cracked, and I felt his body tense in pain. “So it works,” he mumbled to himself. He looked up at me, and unrolled his sleeve. I could just start to see the cracks healing as his arm disappeared under the cloak. He clapped his hands again, and a different woman walked in holding a long, black cloak. She took the plate from me, and handed the cloak to Aro. “So, I believe that this is yours now-” he began, but was cut off by an almighty growl from the reception area.

The receptionist must have told Seth about my decision. Aro stood up from his seat, the other two men following. “It must be my friend, Seth,” I whispered. He looked at me.

“A… friend? Very well. Caius, please go show our guest out, without force.” He said to the man on his right. The man stood up and dashed out the door. We listened for their conversation.

“Please, would you be kind enough to leave?” I heard him say to Seth.

“No way. I am not leaving without her. What have you done to her?” Seth’s voice growled. 

“We have not touched her,” Caius told him, completely calm.

“What have you done to her?” Seth roared, and I heard his heart rate rise as he phased into a wolf. Caius and the receptionist gasped.

“Aro,” Caius called, his voice firm.

Aro looked at me. “Would you mind? We really can’t have an aggressive wolf here,” he said to me.

“Please, don’t hurt him. Let me talk to him,” I whispered. Aro nodded and I dashed out the door.

Seth growled as I approached him. I threw out my hands in protection. “I-I’m fine,” I whispered, my voice shaking. Seth looked at me. He didn’t believe me. His gaze fell on Caius, and lunged at him. Without thinking, I ran in between him and Caius, hoping to block the attack meant for him. Seth’s eyes widened when he saw me, but he couldn’t stop himself. He crashed into me, and we both fell to the floor. Although I was a strong newborn, he was a strong werewolf. I heard a loud crunch, and Seth whined. 

“A-are you okay, Seth?” I asked him, my voice trembling more. He got up, still as a wolf, and looked into my eyes. He saw that I would sacrifice myself for Caius. He growled again. Caius stepped in front of me, now face-to-face with Seth.

“Leave before we make fried wolf,” he snarled. Seth looked back at me.

“I’m sorry,” I whispered. Caius grabbed my arm in an attempt to pull me away from him. Seth growled one last time before turning and leaving.

At the Cullen’s house

"Seth, calm down," Jasper urged Seth as he came running through the Cullen's door as a human. Even though he had phased within the trees, his hands hadn't stopped shaking. All of the family were downstairs within seconds, and gathered around Seth. He collapsed onto one of the white sofas before putting his head in his hands. 

"What's the matter, Seth? And where's Elora?" Carlisle asked, resting a hand on Seth's bare shoulder. Edward sucked in a breath as he read Seth's thoughts.

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