A bird brain learns something that I regret teaching

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Jin POV 

I began to chase after my sister Ruby and Weiss as I chased them. It was getting close to night as the sun is already setting. Once I was close to my sister Ruby I looked at her and said. 

Jin: "Ruby, what's up with Weiss?"

Ruby: "I don't know Jin, but she looked at the airship and started to run towards it. So... yeah I kinda just followed her." She said as she scratch her head in a timid way. 

As we began to chase after Weiss she stops making us stop as well. 

Weiss: "Winter!" She said in a soft tone. 

Both Ruby and I looked over to the atlas bots coming out and see a women who looks like- oh my lord we have another Ice Queen, but this time a Ice Knight. Wait! wasn't she with my family when I went missing. 

Ruby: "Wait, ..your sister?"

Weiss: "WINTER!" She yelled out to her. 

We all ran towards the women named Winter as she turns around towards us giving a Scheen stare. Once we got there Weiss started to talked to her. 

Weiss: "Winter! I'm so happy to see you again! oh, your presence honor us. She said as she bowed in the end." 

Winter: "Beacon, it's been a long time since I return here. The air feels... different." 

Ruby was going to say something rude I gave the no stare towards her and she knew what I meant. 

Weiss: "So what are you ding here?" 

Winter: "Classified." 

Weiss: "Oh, right. Well, how long are you staying?" 

Winter: "Classified." 

Weiss: "Of course." 

It was a solid good few seconds of silents and I kinda feel the cold air going through my hair. It kinda makes me wonder are the Scheen really cold blooded to make the air cold? 

Wiess: "Oh, you're going to love it here! I know you travel a lot, but so much at Beacon is different from Atlas! Vale, too. The government and school are completely separate! can you believe it!? I-

Winter: "I'm more familiar with how this Kingdom handles it bureaucracy. That's not why I came. 

Weiss: "Right! I'm sorry. 

Winter: "Nor did I come here to watch my own blood fail so miserably in battle, but it appears that I have no choice in the matter." 

Weiss: "But we won!" 

Winter: "Only a novice would refer to that as a victory. I counted at least three strikes missed." 

Jin: "Then you are a fool then." I said as I cross my arms and closed my eyes. 

Winter, Weiss, and Ruby turns to me as stated that Winter is a fool. 

Winter: "Please elaborate to me why I am a fool of thinking that?" She said as she gave off a glare. 

Jin: "Of course. Firstly your attacks will not always strike the enemies nor to your opponents they will either block or dodge the attack. Secondly she has won with her team as for that she didn't won by herself she won with her team. Thirdly there's no perfection into your style, fighting, or that of your skill. No matter how much you train, analyze, or even practice your moves you won't be able to master ones attacks to hit your opponent. Fourthly your sister has the potential that I have trained directly she had to get her hands dirty even tho no ones hands can be always be clean. One must train and be able to fight in different environments even that means to get down and dirty. Finally fifthly this IS a tournament you can win by making the opponent fall off balance to make it out of bound, deplete ones aura, or to whose team had the most aura energy to see who goes on in the tournaments. To think you of all people didn't recognize that is really not good." I stated to Winter about how far Weiss came. 

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