The Devil vs Fall Maiden

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Third POV

We go back to where the coliseum where every team minus two teams that left and from the escape airships. Everyone was there also being said Atlas came as well with Ironwood coming to the arena area. The person that came down to check on the students was no other then Ironwood. Ironwood started to run towards the group as he was able to see what has happen to the arena before the whole Cinder's shutting down the whole CC tower network. Ironwood saw the demon being Jin fixed Penny with no problem at all, fighting all the students of all the teams were in the tournament, and seeing the Demon get more power and seeing how dangerous it become. Ironwood now checks on everyone who fought the beast or said Demon.

Ironwood: "Is everyone okay!?" Ironwood calls out to everyone. 

Coco: "General! everyone is good, but we're badly injured from the Demon aka Jin." Coco spoke as she's the second year students of Beacon. 

Ironwood: "Is everyone here and accounted for miss Adel?" 

Weiss: "Sir! we need some help here!" Weiss called out to to Ironwood. 

Ironwood then looks at everyone whose moving boulders and rocks out of the way as they were trying to get to some people out. Ironwood came towards them, but as he made to where the students are. Ironwood sees who were trapped inside the halls of the entrances were Ruby and Penny who looks fine and working again. Ironwood came through as he makes his way towards Penny.

Ironwood: "Penny!" 

Penny: "General Ironwood!" 

Ruby: "General?" 

Ironwood came towards Penny and looks at her for a moment and checked her head. for a bit until he felt something. Ironwood felt something wet and a bit sticky he checked his hand and sees blood. Ironwood looks back at Penny and sees that on her head has a blood smug stain. 

Ironwood(Shocked): "Penny!? how are you-"

Ruby: "General it was Jin doing sir." Ruby said to to Ironwood with her having a shocked look on her face. 

Ironwood(shocked): "*looks at Penny* Penny..." Ironwood with a shocked tone. 

Penny: "I don't know either sir, but right now its not the time for this. We need to go and chase down Jin. He's after the woman named Cinder Fall and her goons sir. If we don't get to her she may meet her end with Jin." Penny explained to General Ironwood. 

Ironwood: "Very! everyone! may I get your attention all of you!" 

Everyone looks over to Ironwood and waited for the next statement. 

Ironwood: "Right now in this very moment all of the Grimm has been dealt with Jin in takeover, The White Fang were about to take action to invade Beacon, but due to Jin once again they were dealt with many has lost their lives from Jin new takeover, and what makes matters worse Vagabonds has seized one of my ships, but once more and again Jin has interfered and taken down all of my ships and leaving no trace alone. I'm afraid that even with the Atlas military power being on the ground and the skies aren't safe from him. Even if we tried to contact with the other huntsmen and huntresses if would be impossible." Ironwood explained to everyone witch shock. 

Ironwood grip his hand as well looks down in shame and anger. It was Ironwood job to keep everyone safe and to let Jin dark form takeover and destroyed everything in his path. Even with every single Atlas Bot, Mech, or said solider they would die with one moment when they see the demon. 

For everyone they were a lost for words now Jin has gone too powerful that even the Atlas military General said that the skies and land aren't safe. Ruby, Yang, and Penny begin to get more worried for for Jin now as this is now a Atlas Military problem. For the Yang and Ruby they were scared if the General would have to take down or even kill their own brother. Yang for her seeing her own brother feeling pain and rage for that Atlas may take down their own brother and she knew herself that she wouldn't let that happen. Lastly Penny she was the one that has it tougher then the sisters she has emotions she now has many things going through her mind all of this is breaking her. Penny out of the rest is feeling the most pain out of anyone who has met and been with Jin the most. For that reason Penny may betray Atlas for that reason to protect Jin himself. 

Jin the Devil of RemnantOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora