Open up Devil... it's time... to tell the truth

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Third POV

It has been three days since Jin revealed his halve Devil form to his sisters and to Weiss and Blake. Since then team RWBY hasn't been the same since then Yang and Ruby are trying there best to contact their big brother, but no response. Yang didn't know what to do when she first saw Jin in that state she was scared and that made Jin disappear. Yang blames herself for acting scared and to add she didn't tell Jin and now.. she felt like a pile of shit. Ruby is trying her best to stay positive, but nothing sometimes she would even cry for his return. Ruby have been texting Jin, calling him, and leaving him voice messages, but nothing she felt more sad. Ruby in her mind thinks that she may have ruin her relationship with Jin as she thought of him as the best brother she could ever ask. Now... Ruby Rose doesn't know what to do. Weiss is in so much confusion as so as Blake they didn't know what to say either to say that Jin has some kind of secret or something. But, that doesn't mean that they didn't feel sad they were Jin treated them as family as brother and sister and for this to happen this made a hole in their hearts. 

With team JNPR well do to say they were sad also. Jaune never had a brother and for Jin to come ro his aid and help him out here and there even teaching him how to fight. Jaune though of Jin as a brother that he never had and now without him Jaune feels sad that his little heart can't move on from this sadness. Pyrrha she... never met a opponent just as Jin he never heard of her nor did he care for that. Jin though of her as a student, friend, and teammate the fighting style that he taught her is engrave in her mind. Pyrrha couldn't forget that Jin help Jaune confess to her by making him think that Weiss wasn't for him. Pyrrha couldn't get a invitation from Jaune to go to the movies and to the dance. Pyrrha felt even sadder from even remembering what Jin did for her. Nora is also sad about this because... lets just say A LOT of reason because its Nora we're talking about here. Anyways Nora is also sad about the fact that her friend and teammate has been seen nor heard for three days. Lastly Rne who is also sad about this as well of many because Jin was like is father because of his way of Martial Arts and teachings. More in depth Ren really though as Jin as a father and teacher at the same time because they both have many of the same interest for that he really missed Jin. 

Not only team RWBY and team JNPR were the only ones sad many of the students liked Jin. For his kindness, for his wisdom, keeping things at peace, and resolving fights that can lead to many problems. For the teachers well they were also sad that such a full of a potential student just disappeared. For that one person is going to find out what has happen to Jin Rose and that person is Ozpin. Ozpin now have many questions to what has happen to Jin. So for the time being he contacted Summer, Tai, Raven, Qrow, and to add up more team RWBY and JNPR to come to his office. For more information General Ironwood, Winter Schnee, and Glynd are here in his office as well. 

Ozpin(mind): "I've contacted Summer and Tai as they live together so I called them first. It could have gone better..."


Summer: "Oh hello Oz! what can I help you? did my girls did something?"

Ozpin: "Well its not that, but your son Ms.Rose."

Summer: "How many? because I'm getting too many phone numbers, love letters, and chocolate gifts that I can make chocolate chip cookies for days."

Ozpin: "Well it's not that either. Ms.Summer your son has gone missing for up to three days and nobody has any information about him."

Summer: "......What?"

Ozpin: "Yes, I'm sorry to say that your son is missing and nobody has no seen him for over three days."

Summer puts the home scroll down and went to her scroll and tries calling Jin, texting Jin, and leaving messages nothing. 

Ozpin: "Summer are you still-"

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