The Devil has now return and a Brother wrath

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Third POV

Right now Jin and his team JNPR are 'studying' for the examines or test for anyone of their classes. But Nora is asleep, Ren is studying, Jaune whose reading a comic until Pyrrha took it away and replaced it with a study book. As team RWBY are playing the game Remnant also... in the library if I may add... (Author: Real talk here who the fuck has played a broad game in a Library before? raise your hand to let me see the guilt and shame on your face) why? anyways back to where everyone is. Jin is right next to team RWBY while he's reading a comic? after some training a few days Yang and Ruby have now realized that their brother is a totally boomer. The reason was that Jin hasn't played video games, read comics, play in the arcade, or even understand some of the teenagers like Ruby and Yang would do. So Ruby and Yang are helping their big brother out by helping him understand the way of the teenager by teaching him comics, video games, and how to use some tech. As this is going Ruby and Yang started to yell about their attacks in the game of Remnant. 

Ruby: "Yang Xiao Long, prepare your kingdoms for battle!"

Yang: "Bring it on!" 

Ruby: "I deploy the Atlesian Air Fleet!"

Yang: "*fake gasp*"

Ruby: "Looks like I get to fly right over your Ursa and attack your walls directly!" Ruby said as she makes airplanes noises. 

Yang: "*fake gasp* You fiend!"

Ruby: "And since Atlas is part of Mantle, my repair time only lasts one turn."

Jin(mind): "I can barely understand these comics that Yang and Ruby gave me and I can not understand what's going on here. These are types of books that my sisters read? weird, but I do understand the game their playing. Why can't I understand what these comics mean?" Jin thinks as he doesn't know how to read or how these comics work. 
(Author: Understand this! Tekken Jin has only focuses only killing his bloodline, his father, and many other things. You can see why how can Jin not understand comics)

Yang: "*evil chuckle* Pretty sneaky sis, but you're just activated my trap card!" 

Ruby: "Whaaaaaa!" Ruby screamed in surprise. 

Yang: "Giant Nevermore! *slams the table* if I roll a seven or higher Fatal Fathers will slice your fleet in two." 

Ruby: "But, if you roll a six or lower, the Nevermore will turn on your own forces."

Yang: "That's just a chance I'm willing to take." Yang said as she rolls your dices and she went 'HAH!'


Yang: "Eh, most of them were probably androids."

Ruby: "Goodbye my will be avenged."

Yang: "Not until I draw my rewards, which are double this round, thanks to the Mistral trade route!"

Ruby: "Bah!" 

Yang: "Oh! and what's this? The Smugglers of Wind Path!?"

Ruby: "BAH! BAH, I SAY!"

Jin(mind): "I want to school them because of the loud ruckus they're making, but I rather just let this happen. My sisters need some R & R."

Yang: "Looks like I'm taking two cards from your hands!"


With that my sister sulks as she now is sad so as the big brother Jin scoots over to Ruby and pats her on the head. Ruby looks over to Jin a kinda gave a smile.

Ruby: "Thank you big brother.."

Jin(mind): "Your welcome Ruby...being a big brother isn't so bad after all huh? it feels great, but sooner or later it will come to an end. I'm going to miss those days."

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