Chapter 25 - Netflix And Chill

Start from the beginning

"Am I getting a bad signal here or did I just hear you say you're at Tom's?"

I bit the inside of my mouth.

"Riley Mae!" I heard her screamed when I didn't answer. "You sneaky, sneaky girl!"

"Shhh! Jeez! It's not like what you're thinking!" I tried to cover the mouthpiece a little tighter, a bit worried that Tom might hear her. "It's a long story."


I rolled my eyes as I could see her beaming from ear to ear. "I bumped into him after work and I told him about Ryan. I'll tell you later just please pick me up?" I looked at the time. It was only gone past nine.

"Jesus, have you even seen outside? You know I would in a heartbeat, but go check outside."

I furrowed my eyebrows. I knew it was snowing nonstop earlier but surely it wasn't that bad.

I slightly opened the blinds and gasped when all I could see was thick white fluffy snow on the roofs and halfway covered the cars with never ending blanket of white.

"How and when did this happen?" I was shocked.

I feel like I'm in Narnia.

"Yes, girl."

"Oh man." I muttered.

"I wondered what you guys been up to, not realising what's going on in the outside world." She chuckled.

"Bids, seriously!" I blushed. I looked upstairs worried that Tom would sense that Biddy was talking about him.

I heard her giggle. "I literally had to abandon my car and walked back to my flat."

I sighed and pulled the curtains to check how bad it was outside again.

I heard Tom said something.

"Hang on a sec, Bids." I covered the mouthpiece. "Were you saying something up there?" I asked Tom who was still upstairs.

"I said, check outside. Oh." He saw me looking out the window. "Sorry I didn't mean to interrupt."

"It's fine, don't worry."

He nodded and was gone again.

"Oh Em Gee! You're like an old couple!" She squealed, I literally had to cover the phone again.

"Will you calm down?!" I wanted to strangle her.

She scoffed. "Sorry, sorry, Auntie Biddy can't contain her excitement!"

"Seriously, Bids, what am I gonna do? I can't stay here all night!" I whispered desperately.

She cleared her throat. "Stay for the night and let the storm calm down."

"You're joking! You know I can't."

"Is your reason stronger than this snowstorm?"

I sighed. "It's just wrong, Biddy." I couldn't tell her about the almost kiss.

"I understand. But I don't think he would agree, even if you insisted. He would end up driving you out there which isn't also fair considering how dangerous the road is. You can't even see the road!"

I contemplated. She was right. But I had taken so much of his time already. But at the same time, I didn't want to trouble him any further by driving me all the way to my place in this condition.

"Actually, he already asked me to stay for the night."

"That's the most sensible thing to do. No judgement, I swear." Although I could see her wide smile showing her full set of teeth behind the receiver.

I saw Tom descended down the stairs wearing a pair of Nike tracksuit. I tried not to stare too much at his mouth watering muscles fitted nicely and snug in those lucky fabrics.

"I have to go, Biddy."

"Call me tomorrow, okay?"

"I will." I put the phone down before she said something inappropriate.

"How's Biddy?" He asked.

"The same old Biddy." I rolled my eyes.

He chuckled. "What have you girls been feeding to my mates? I've never seen Joe and Brent so loved up."

I smiled. "Oh you know, the power of natural charm."

He rolled his eyes. He looked outside the window again and looked worried.

I know what he was thinking.

I cleared my throat. "Tom, I know I said about going home tonight, but I didn't realise how bad it is outside. I don't really wanna impose and take too much of your time." I felt like an idiot.

He shook his head. "Don't be so silly. I'm glad you've changed your mind. I was gonna persuade you to stay anyway. It's just impossible to drive by the look of it."

"Are you sure its okay--" I was thinking about how it was gonna look like.

"It's the sensible thing to do." He shut me down.

"Right. Thanks." I wondered if that was the only reason why he wanted me to stay, but I quickly shook my stupid thoughts away.

"I have a guest room down here if it makes you feel better." He tried to avoid meeting my eyes. "It's the one you've seen earlier that overlooks the river. Let's go check if you've got everything there."

I knew what he meant.

And it would be wise to stay down here than be on the same floor with him.

It's bad enough to stay on the same roof with him. Just in case.

Just in case of what?

I turned red. Luckily his back was on me. My eyes fell on his tight ass.

Oh for heaven's sake.

I looked away and tried to concentrate on my footsteps before I ended up falling face flat on his butt cheeks. That would be devastatingly embarrassing.

"Here we are. Patsy, my housekeeper keep this room tidy regularly so don't worry about dust and all." He went to check the toilet. "There are toiletries and new toothbrush in the toilet cabinet too. Please make yourself at home." He reassured me.

"Thank you so much, I really appreciate all your help." I scratched my non itchy brow.

"Don't be silly. The only thing is that I haven't got a telly in here yet, so feel free to watch the telly in the front room."

I looked at my wrist watch and it wasn't even ten o'clock yet, it would be rude to stay locked in the room this early and my phone was completely out of charged. In addition, I didn't want him to think that I was nervous around his presence.

"Don't worry about it. It's only early, I guess we can netflix and chill."

He furrowed his eyebrows. "What?"

"Netflix and chill?" I repeated.

Is there something wrong with what I said?

"Right." I could see a smile he tried to suppress before he turned around. "Let's netflix and chill."

I didn't think 'netflix and chill' would come out as sexy as hell in somebody else's mouth ever before.

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