🚬Chapter 28: A change🚬

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Creds to: @gloria199524 for the story idea❤
Ondre's pov:

I ran out the house crying my eyes out. Thomas just wished my death. I was really hurt, I couldn't believe he would say some foolish shit like that. I was just walking down the road still crying until some grabbed me frim behind and held a gun up on my head.

Ondreaz: Addison?!

Ryland: Close.

Ondreaz: R-ryland...

Ryland: Correct.

Ondreaz: P-please don't hurt me.

Ryland: Too late.

I closed my eyes and heard a gun go off. I felt his grip off me and I fell to the ground. I just laid there. I could still hear the cars driving pass... I opened my eyes. I- I wasn't dead!! I look over to see Ryland on the ground bleeding. I look up to see Thomas holding a gun up with tears going down his face. I got up and hugged him.

Ondreaz: Thomas! You saved m-me!

Thomas: I- I know.... I'm sorry...

Ondreaz: No its okay... Its my fault this happened.

I let go of him and looked at him. He smiled while crying. I kissed his cheek and he blushed. I hugged him again and cried on his shoulder. After a while we walked back home to see everyone worried. Once they saw us they came up and hugged us.

Kouvr: What happened?! Thomas's face is red!

Thomas: Long story...

We sat down and told us what happened. Once we were done everyone look at us and smirked.

Thomas: A-anyways wheres Mia?

Charli: In her room. She was very upset. You should go talk to her.

Thomas: I will.

He got up and went to her room.

Thomas's pov:

I went to Mia's room and knocked on the door.

Mia: Go away. Unless your Charli or Kouvr or you have donuts.

Thomas: Ha, no its Thomas.

Mia: Than leave.

Thomas: Can we please talk?

Mia: Fine!

Mia came and opened the door leading me in. She shut the door behind her.

Mia: Make it quick, I don't really wanna see you right now...

Thomas: Mia... I'm sorry I made you upset. Me and Ondreaz just got into a little disagreement. We're alright now I promise no more fighting.

Mia: P-promise?

Thomas: Yes. Cross my heart!

Mia came and hugged me tight. I smiled ear to ear. She let go and had a little bit of a upset look on her face.

Mia: C-can we just stay friends...?

Thomas: Uhm... Sure! W-whatever you want...

Mia: Ok... Good!

Thomas: Yea uh. I'm g-gonna go now.

Mia: Okay, See ya bestie!

Thomas: Bye...

I ran out of Mia's room and bumped into Ondreaz.

Thomas: W-were you listening?!

Ondreaz: Y-yea I'm so sor-

Thomas: No its fine...

I walked pass him and went up to my room. Once I got there I flopped on my bed and cried into the pillows. I heard a know at my door.

Ondreaz: Can I come in?!

Thomas: I- I guess...

Ondreaz walked in and shut the door behind him.

Ondreaz: I'm sorry Thomas...

Thomas: Its not your fault..

We looked at eachother for a while and Ondreaz started to get closer. Then we heard the door open.

Ondreaz jumped and flipped off the bed.

Tony: Guys!- Oh- did I- interupt something?

Thomas: N- no!

Tony: Uh okay anyways, Chase and Nick are okay. But Chase has something wrong with his chest. Theres a high chance he would make it but at the same time he won't.

Ondreaz: O-oh thanks for letting us know!

Tony: Yea welcome, What were you guys just doing though?

Thomas: J-Just... Just talkin, ya know?

Tony: Yea I know alright....

Tony walked out the room. I just look at Ondreaz and laughed at him. He crossed his arms and looked away.

Ondreaz: Hmph!

Thomas: I'm sowy baby don't be mad-

I just froze realizing what I said.

Ondreaz looked at me and kissed me. He pulled away and smiled.

Ondreaz: Its okay baby!

He started laughing because of the look on my face. He looked over to see....

688 words. Who do you think Ondreaz saw? 🙃

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