💔Chapter 18: Sorry💔

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Ondre's pov:

My brother fucked up big time. Cheated on his own boyfriend, I was pissed. Nick was like another little brother to me, and to see him heart broken made me feel bad. I went to go talk to Tony. I knocked on the door and I heard a clicked so I opened the door.

Ondreaz: Hey bro... I just came here to talk about Nick-

He bursted out into tears. Damn.

Ondreaz: Come here bro.

I opened my arms up as I walked over to where Tony was. I pulled him into a hug rubbing his back as he cried into my shoulder.

Ondreaz: Let it all out, then we can talk.
Tony: O-okay.

Once he stopped crying we sat down on the bed and started to talk.

Ondreaz: Now, why the hell would you think it was okay to cheat on Nick like that?
Tony: I-I didn't want to...
Ondreaz: What do you mean you didn't want to? You still did it...
Tony: I-I know I broke my promise, I really do love Nick! Nikita kissed me first... I was about to pull away but she just got on top of me. I-I couldn't move then Nick walked in on us making out, it wasn't my intention to cheat on him at all! I love him to death to even do that!
Ondreaz: Then why did you break up with him? You were the one that cheated.
Tony: I broke up with him because I was mad, those words were not meant to come out of my mouth. And I was mad because he was yelling and I didn't need anyone else to hear about it.

Tony glanced at the door and got up and opened it.

Tony: Just like they are now.

Kouvr, Thomas, Mia, and Chase were all at the door listening.

Mia: We just wanted to know what you guys wanted from uhmm....

Kouvr: Canes!

Thomas: Yep thats right!

Chase: I thought we were gonna tell Nick what they were-

Before Chase could finish Kouvr kicked the back of his ankle.

Chase: Ah shit! What the fuck Kouvr?!

Kouvr: Anyways, turns out were not getting canes later guys!

Ondreaz: Woah woah woah. Chase come back!

Chase: Uh yea?

Ondreaz: What were you about to say?

Chase: N-nothing...

Chases pov:

Ondreaz grabbed me by the chin and pulled me closer to his face making me blush, he then whispered in my ear.

Ondreaz: Tell me right now or I'll fuck you up. Okay you little fuck?

I bit my lip and went to his ear.

Chase: Bite..me...

Ondreaz: I'll get you later...

Tony's pov:

I just watched them whisper into eachothers ears. Chase finally left and I went back to talking to Ondreaz.

Ondreaz: You need to tell Nick what happened okay?

Tony: I will now, thanks bro!

Ondreaz: No problem!

I walked out the room and went downstairs asking where Nick was. They all said he was on the roof so I ran up stairs on my balcony then climbed to the roof to see Nick sitting with his knees to his chest. He turn around and started to get up once he saw me.

Tony: Please wait! Let me explain...

He sat back down and I went next to him.

Nick: Sometimes I feel like jumping but not fall but actually fly far away, somewhere where can't get hurt.

Tony: I feel you... Can I explain, what actually happened?

Nick: Go ahead I'm still here.

Tony: Before you got there I was on my phone and I look up to see Nikita staring at me. I believe this was after the six minutes because you came and said times up. She came over and starting making out with me, I tried to pull away but she just climbed on top of me! I'm sorry Nick, I love you to death and I would never break a promise!

Nick looked at me with tears in his eyes.

Nick: I'm so stupid I should've let you explain earlier-

Before he finished I pulled him into a kiss. He kissed back. He pulled away and smiled.

Nick: If that was your apology, I forgive you.

I smiled and pulled him into another kiss. He put his arms around my neck and I put mines around his waist.

I'n so glad that I can finally be with the love of my life after a week of drama. I love him too much to break his heart, he was perfect like no other in my eyes.

768 words❤

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