🖤Chapter 20: Harmless Suprise🖤

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*If you read the comments of my last two posts you'll know whats about to happen😌😏*
*Contains Knife kinks {BDSM} If you are not comfy please do not read*⚠

Tony's pov:

I was looking through the comments of my tiktok post with Nick. I came across a comment saying "Omg have you ever knife kinked Nick?"(I'm sorry I couldn't think of any other way to put it😭🤧) Knife kink?! What the fuck is that? I decided to look it up on the internet and this what came up:

 I came across a comment saying "Omg have you ever knife kinked Nick?"(I'm sorry I couldn't think of any other way to put it😭🤧) Knife kink?! What the fuck is that? I decided to look it up on the internet and this what came up:

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Hmmm. Maybe I can suprise Nick with it. I hope its not dangerous, I don't wanna hurt him. I should set up a date with him to our spot for it.
I texted him.

Nick ~ Tony

Hey bub!
Hey, Whats up?
I have a suprise for you! Be ready by 7 pm, okay?
Alright..love you💜
Love you to baby bear😊💕

Perfect. I have 3 hours to get everything ready. I get ready and run downstairs and hop in the car and drive to our spot.

2 hours and 30 minutes later...

I drive back to get Nick so we can go. I come in the house and before I get Nick I grabbed a knife and put in my bag

Chase: Uhm.. why do you need that?

Tony: Oh, This? Haha its just for me and Nicks picnic.

Chase: Okay...

He says walking away backwards. Nick comes down stairs looking all cute (as usual😏) I grab his hand and run to car locking the door behind. We hop in the car and drive off.

Nicks pov:

As Tony was driving I was staring the window smiling listening to music(The song above) because I was in a good mood. I paused my song and turned to Tony. He glanced at my and put his hand on my thigh. I smiled.

Nick: Whats this suprise? Where are we going?

Tony: We going to our spot. And the suprise is in my bag. Don't worry you'll love it.

He said as we pulled up to our spot. He grabbed his bag and we got out the car. We walked over and sat down. I looked around and took a deep breath looking at nature. Then my eyes met back up at Tony's.

Nick: I love you. This is amazing!

Tony: Your welcome baby bear. Ready for your suprise?

Nick: Yes!

Tony: Okay stand up and close your eyes.

I did what he told me to do. I was nervous and excited at the same time. I heard his bag unzip and then I felt his presence behind me.

Tony: Open your eyes~

*Knife kink part😌*

I open my eyes and looked down to see Tony hold a.. A KNIFE AGAINST MY CHEST!?!

Nick: Please don't hurt me!

Tony's pov:

Tony: Babe I won't hurt you! You have to sit still.

He was starting cry so I told him to be quiet.

Tony: Shhh~ Its okay, you'll like it...

I slowly unbuttoned his shirt while kissing his neck softly as he moaned quietly. Once I finished unbottoning his shirt I told him to be still. He nodded and then I put non- sharp side on his chest, tracing different shapes all over. He was moaning so softly. cutie.

Nick: T-this actually feels good~

He days as he lays his head back on my shoulder. I went back to kissing neck and using my free hand to unzip his pants and and putting my hand in his boxers and started rubbing his member (I'm sorry again) He was a moaning mess. I left some hickeys then put the knife down. I turned him around and sat him to the ground and kissed him with love, he kissed back and put his arms around my neck as I rubbed his waist. He moand in the kiss as I reched into his pants again rubbing his member again but a bit faster. He moaned a lot more as I bit my lip. I went down to his pants and pulled them down a little. I started to lick his member, and he moaned and groaned all over the place.

Time skip I'm lazy🤧

No pov:

The boys came back and everyone asked questions. They were to tired so they went up to their room and went to bed cuddling eachother.

736 words😖 Okay grade this chapter Good: A-F :Bad

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