Chapter 8: Forgive Me!

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*Trigger warning*


Tonys pov:

I run to the room and open the door to see Addison bleeding on the floor. I hear Ondreaz gasp behind me. "WHAT THE HELL NICK?!" the other members came rushing to my room to see whats going on. I start to hear crying and others asking questions while I stand there in shock. I can't believe it, Nick...killed Addison.... The person I loved. The person I thought I was gonna get married to!

Alex:Who did this anyway?!
Tony:Ask Nick!
Everyone turns aeound looking Nick up and down and gasp.
Thomas:What the hell Nick?! What did you do?!
Nick:I-I got rid of her....
Nick starts giggling, he's going psycho!
Nick:She deserved it! That little whore!haha
Chase:Dude. You need help!
Nick:No I don't! You do!
Chase: No seriously bro you killed Addison and now your laughing about it!
Nick goes up to Chase putting the knife up to his neck.
Nick: I told you, I don't need help! I'm fine!
Chase:I'm calling the cops!
Chase runs down the stairs to go find his phone. Nick chases after him with a knife in his hand, I start Patrick starts to chase Nick. He tackles Nick to the ground. Nick takes his knife and puts it in Patricks leg.
Patrick: AH SHIT!
He falls over and Nick gets up to find Chase. A few people go to stop Nick and the rest of us stop to help Patrick and Addison.
Calvin:Patrick! Are you okay bro?!
Patrick: A-ah it hurts!
Alex: I know bud were trying to help!
Calvin takes patricks hand and holds it.
Calvin:Please don't die on me Patrick!
Patrick:I won't I promise...
Calvin:Your my best friend you can't go now!
Patrick: Calvin! I said I won't go!
Calvin starts crying on Patricks chest still hold his hand. I look over to see Kouvr really really white.
Tony: Are you okay Kouvr?!
Kouvr:T-to much bl-ood!
Alex: Baby! Its okay just breathe okay? I'm right here!
Chase comes running back with blood on his shirt.
Chase:T-he cops are on their wa-y!
Ondreaz: Are you okay?!
Chase: Yea I-I'm fine just a little stab thats all.
The rest of the group come back running out of breath.
Dixie: Well we lost Nick and Charli I don't know where she went!
Dixie: Oh I'm sorry Thomas! Its not my fault its dark outs and Nick is a whole ass psycho path out there killing innocwnt lives for a living!
Thomas:But its your fault you lost a 16 year old out in the dark with a psychopath on the loose!
We here sirens outside our house. I go to open the door to see 3 ambulance and 7 police cars outside. An ambulance comes in.
Ambulance lady: Who got hurt?!
Thomas points to Patrick. We help put Patrick on the stretcher and they leave.
Calvin:Can I come?!
Ambulance people:Sorry sir, you can't come this is serious! But you can visit him anytime!
Calvin:Can I please say somehing first?!
Amubulance people:Sure make it quick!
Calvin runs over to Patrick with tears in eyes
Calvin:You promise to be okay?
Patrick:I promie!
Calvin:I-I louve you Patty...
Patrick: Love you to...
Calvin places his forehead on Patricks as the ambulance pull him away.
More amubulance peoole come up to get Addison. They take her out then a officer walks in.
Officer:What happened?
Thomas:Our "friend" Nick austin went psycho not to long ago. Killed Addison and stabbed Patrick in the leg when he was trying to safe Chase. Chase has a wound on his stomach but he claims he's okay. Our friend Charli is gone and we don't know where she went.
All of a sudden we here footsteps coming to the front door.
Charli:I'm back!
Charli: I um...

654 words! What do you guys think Charli did?

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