
"You have so much explaining to do," Jongdae groaned lowly. He was supporting me with one hand and dragging my luggage for me in the other, walking forward to... I don't know where.

"We missed each other for two weeks but this is what happens on your day off? How can I ever leave you alone?" He grumbled. "And why did you lie to me? Why are you drinking alone? Don't you know how dangerous it was for you? There are tons of hungry men out there who'd pounce on you whenever they have the chance to. But here you are, thoughtlessly, foolishly, out at a pocha stall with a freaking luggage! Jesus!"

I sealed my lips in because I was too timid  to speak. Few minutes ago I was still high but I couldn't smile anymore because my guilt just tripled.

My lies must've made him so upset and I wished I knew how to pacify him.

"So this is how you behave whenever you're drunk? Seducing people with your beauty, granting people's wish and kissing random guys?" He grumbled even more, frowning as he went deeper in thought.

"What? No!" I frowned and pushed him away. My emotions were on a rollercoaster hell under the influence of alcohol. One second I was happy with him, another second I was guilty and now I was angry at the way he put it. He made it sound like I was a slut.

"Don't try to deny. Everything that happened just now is evidence. You have NO control when you're drunk, Jisoo." Jongdae said, pulling down his mask to show me his serious look.

"That's not true! I know exactly what I'm doing even when I drink!" I defended unhappily.

"Uh huh? Then why did you kiss me? Why did you do all that just now?"

Did he seriously ask me that because he really doesn't know?

"Because you're you, DUH! This is the first time I think you're dumb!" I grumbled out loud and he was taken aback by my response.

"You think I go around impressing random guys? What do you take me as! I'm trying so hard to be pretty for you and I just want to be the prettiest girl to you! You know what scares me? It's when another pretty girl comes your way and one day you stop feeling attracted to me. I imagine that all the time thinking if that happens, what am I supposed to do? It's so easy for you to give up on me but there's no other guy who's better than you so I'm obviously losing out! And I! Don't! Like! To! Lose out!" I cried out louder each time in frustration.

Like a kid who lost her candy. It was so embarrassing to let my emotions take over but I couldn't care less at the moment.

I expected Jongdae to say something back but he cracked into a smile instead.

So ridiculous. I was about to start a fight between us.

"Don't just smile! Say something! What am I supposed to do if you just stand there and smile?!" I huffed angrily.

He took a big step towards me with one hand cupping my cheek and brought my face in for our lips to touch. The anger in me immediately vanished when I was welcomed with his soft lips caressing mine, his tongue asking for entrance to taste me.

Of course, I let him.

We stood there and kissed for a long time, with Jongdae leaning in and pressing my body towards him for the most sensual tension. My heart was racing and my body was on fire as I craved more of him.

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