14 | girls be girls

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🎵 Love Words - CHEN

= I'll throw away my immature, petty pride and fill that space with words of love I was too awkward to say. =


"Uh... Jongdae," I blurt out, surprised to see him out here finding me personally. It has been a while since I called him by his name. I haven't been acknowledging him properly ever since I learned of his identity, but I just did in a slip of the tongue and his face completely softened.

Well, I never thought I had this effect on him.

"What are you doing here?" I asked as he walked up to me.

Even the way he made his entrance was handsome... okay whatever.

"What do you think?" He asked me back.

"Don't beat around the bush. I asked you first," I said grimly, keeping my feelings down. "Has the consultation ended?" I looked towards our practice room to see if the girls were still there. If he said that it had ended, I would be so disappointed because I haven't got the chance to clarify some questions on my part.

"We need to talk," he said in all seriousness.

"I asked if the consultation has ended." I scowled.

"No, you asked me what I was doing here," Jongdae folded his arms and stared back at me. "I'm answering to your first question. I'm here to tell you that we need to talk."

My eye twitched, hating how he was always winning the conversation. Or maybe I'm just too rash all the time to notice what I say myself. Still.

"What's up, coach? What can I do for you?" I mirrored his action and crossed my arms, trying to appear as casual as I could. I wanted to show him that I didn't care, even though I was so fudging curious.

"Stop calling me that when we're alone. It's not like you don't know my name," he frowned, and then lightened a bit, "or you can call me doctor."

I rolled my eyes for him to see. "What do you want, seriously? Must you come all the way out just to tell me that?"

"I've been wanting to tell you but you keep leaving. Unless you want us to talk casually like this in front of the other trainees and let them suspect. Fine by me too." He said so relaxedly.

I huffed once, challenging his stare. Hate hate hate how he was always having the upper hand. "Don't you dare act like you know me when others are around," I raised my finger at him and warned.

He wrapped his hand around my little finger and put it down. "I don't know what time you'll be rehearsing until, but 12 pm at the Sapphire room," Jongdae said. "I'll be waiting until you come. You better don't ditch me."

"I'll ditch you," I immediately replied, turning on my heels and strode back to the practice room to end the conversation. Jongdae quickly caught up to my pace and walked beside me.

"And no," he continued talking while looking ahead. "Consultation hasn't ended."


I looked at my watch again. We've spent close to five hours rehearsing our parts, collaborating with each other to see what we could do to colorise it. Vocal coach Jongdae suggested recreating the song if we wanted to impress, so we got down to it. In between, we took breaks, drank a lot of water, snacked a bit and then continued rehearsing. Compared to the previous week, training this weekend was more chilled because we mainly focused on singing instead of dance.

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